On this day in 19-mumble-mumble, my best friend was born. Of course, I didn’t know it at the time. I wasn’t born yet. And it took a pretty long time before we found each other. And then some time before we realized we were best friends, soulmates, and whatever other terms you want to use for people who were clearly meant to be together.

I would do anything for Lion. And that, ironically, is causing him some concern. He feels selfish. I’ve told him to knock it off but he says he can’t help it. He’s at the point that he wants to stop male chastity and our power exchange. At least he’s suggested it. I don’t think he really wants to stop. I’m pretty sure this is a phase he goes through every now and then. Add his birthday into the mix and things can get a little volatile.

Several years ago, when Lion was turning the big mumble-0, he threw a mini tantrum because no one ever makes a big deal about his birthday. I wasn’t working at the time. I can’t remember what I had planned, but clearly it wasn’t enough. I had to borrow money to get him tickets to the opera. That was sufficient fanfare for him.

Over the years, he’s said birthdays don’t bother him. Uh huh. Right. It’s true that not all birthdays bother him. It’s not even the big mumble-0s necessarily that bother him. But some birthdays bother him. This one seems particularly trying. I bought him his favorite cake. Win. Finally made reservations for his favorite restaurant. Win. Failed to alert the restaurant that it was his birthday. Loss. (Normally he hates restaurant birthday celebrations but this year was a “no one ever makes a big deal” year.) Changed the reservation so I could alert them but also somehow changed the date to today. Overall loss. Managed to change the date back to last night. Mixed win-loss. Paid for dinner because who wants to pay for their own birthday dinner? Win (I think). Edged him a few times. Mixed win-loss. He still feels selfish for wanting sex when I don’t. And, even though I wished him a happy birthday this morning, I know he feels bad because he doesn’t know I have more things planned for him later. Not just sex things.

I did tell him he’d get birthday swats tonight. Other than an orgasm, which he doesn’t seem to want at the moment, I haven’t promised anything else. Not that he won’t get anything else. I just haven’t promised it. For the record, my intentions are to give him his birthday swats either before dinner or just after. And I’m hoping he’ll allow himself to enjoy the evening. [I will enjoy it! I am very grateful that Mrs. Lion cares so much about me.]