We got a pizza oven the other day. After work, I was going to get my prescriptions and some topsoil. Instead, Lion asked me to unpack the pizza oven. When I get my prescriptions, I’m going to pick up some pizza ingredients. I agreed to push off my errand until today. We have a habit of wasting weekend days by not getting our buns in gear very early. I wanted to make sure we got to the store in the morning, so I had the afternoon to do other things. Then Lion threw me another curve. Just before dinner, he said he wanted Mexican food. The good Mexican food is in the same town as the prescriptions and Home Depot. I suggested getting Mexican food tonight, and I can do my errands then.
This morning (actually afternoon because we didn’t get our buns in gear again), I locked down some wiring for Lion’s latest ham radio antenna. I just needed to make sure I’m not going to lop them off when I mow the lawn. I’m not convinced I won’t, but we’ll hope for the best. I was lucky enough to get done just as the sun broke through the clouds. We had 90s for a few days and then it got down to a chilly 80 for a few days. It’s still hot. I was sweating even though there was cloud cover. Now I wait for Lion to tell me he needs a newer, bigger, better antenna. He assures me the next one up is too expensive. Uh huh.
I didn’t spank him last night. I guess that’s no surprise. I thought about it. It just seemed like too much to do. I didn’t catch him before he started watching TV. Then I didn’t want to disturb him after dinner. Excuses, excuses. I could spank him before we go out to eat. That way he’ll be sitting on sore buns. I won’t promise I’ll do that because it will just be another disappointment if I don’t follow through. He will be spanked before the end on the weekend. I will promise that.
I appreciate not promising. I know I’m disappointed if I’m expecting a spanking but don’t get one. Much better to get an unexpected spanking.
But today, Irene did tell me to expect serious discipline, which often means three spankings over the course of an hour with a bit of bondage etc. – all followed by passion.