Sometimes, when I lust for a long weekend, I think about all the nothing I want to do. That never works out. I’m always mowing the lawn or doing other chores. This weekend, I had a few things I wanted to do. I’m tired of mowing around the rocks in various locations in the front yard. I think our landlord is trying to keep people from parking on the lawn. What they’ve turned into are trip hazards. Originally, I wanted to widen the front sidewalk so Lion had more room. He said it would be better just to remove the rocks along the edge. I wanted/needed to do the weed-whacking. I was also going to clean up more around here. I got none of this done.

On Saturday, after we got done messing around with the ham radio antenna and I deemed it too late to start installing it, I said I was going to take down the weather station to move it so it was easier to reach. Lion said I shouldn’t get myself too tired, so I couldn’t do the antenna. Hmmm. Since the antenna wasn’t on my list of things to do, I told him maybe I shouldn’t get myself too tired doing the antenna that I couldn’t do the things I wanted to do.

The four-foot antenna I installed is not sufficient. We’re in a valley. I don’t know how long the antenna needs to be to get out of the valley, but another is on order, as is a better antenna mount for the chimney. I’m so psychic I see another trip up on the roof in my future. If that doesn’t work, I think we need one of those towers that hold the high-tension power lines. (I can’t install that.)

On the to-do list today (Lion’s list) was to fold the laundry that has been lounging in the laundry baskets for far too long, feed the gardens, and do some other stuff I can’t even remember now. The laundry is folded. The next loads are in the washer and dryer. The gardens are about to be fed. I still have to vacuum. It wasn’t on his list specifically, but when he mentions his stuffy nose a lot, it needs to be done. I still have to give him a haircut. The same as vacuuming. I did mow the dog’s lawn, which wasn’t on any list but needed to be done.

I think I only have the day off for the 4th of July since it falls on a Tuesday. That means my next three-day weekend is Labor Day. I’ll start making a list of things I want to get done that I won’t. [Lion — Take a vacation day on the third of July and have a five-day weekend!]

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