If you look at the upper right corner of this page, you will see a flag and language name. I’ve been busy localizing the Journal into the most common languages spoken by our readers. If you click on the flag of a country, you will see our site in its native language. The heavy lifting is done with Google Translate. I had to translate and rebuild our logo for each of the selected languages. Thanks to the support team at wpHoot, the company that provides our theme, I got the code to make it all work together.

As Mrs. Lion wrote in her post yesterday (“His Preference“), not much has been going on here. Mrs. Lion promises some excitement today. I’m writing this post on Thursday afternoon. With any luck, we will have some fun later.

We are both tired of the Nutrisystem food. The worst is lunch. They show lots of options; most taste pretty much the same as one another. Dinners are more varied, but still not very good.  It’s true that we don’t get a lot of variety when Mrs. Lion cooks. She sticks to a very short list of items. I used to cook at least half of the time. Since my vision has failed, I have a hard time keeping track of things in the kitchen. I can only see a narrow circle, so items under my nose are easy to miss. I’ll try to figure out a way to get more involved.

I think we’ll have to stick with Nutrisystem until we get to our target weights. I’ll reach mine sooner than Mrs. Lion. When that happens, I’ll have to eat more caloric food. Mrs. Lion tends to eat what I eat, so we will have to figure out how to manage the change.

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