Happy Monday. As you may have seen, we’ve been making some improvements here. Besides being kinky, I’ve spent most of my career helping large companies improve communication with customers. Some of this work involved websites. Recent improvements in available technology offer the opportunity to provide better services to our readers. One of the most interesting is the availability of free, high-quality computer translation of text into different languages.

Machine translation has been available for years, but earlier attempts were rather crude and expensive. Google is a pioneer in the field, and it offers its services for free. It has a huge cloud computing division and leverages this to provide instant text translation. We use this service. When a visitor chooses one of the fourteen languages we offer, the page is instantly translated for them. I recreated our header/logo in each language as well. This is particularly exciting to me because one of my professional projects was to provide global opt-out pages for a huge company. We had to translate the pages into 92 languages at a cost of $15 a word. Now, our little blog has similar accessibility for free!

As you probably guessed, nothing sexual happened on Saturday night. I’m hopeful the weekend will finish with more of a climax. That depends on Mrs. Lion’s energy and my libido, two things that have been rather unpredictable lately. I found a product on Amazon that may amuse Mrs. Lion. It’s called an incontinence sheath holder (Image, right). It’s designed to hold a condom catheter on the penis. They are external catheters designed to capture urine.

The sheath holder is a velcro strap that fastens around the penis and keeps the catheter from slipping off. It’s exactly what Mrs. Lion likes to use on me. She puts it on when I’m soft. Then she stimulates me. The strap gets tighter and tighter. You get the picture. I ordered the item for her to try. She may need some inspiration to get back to her old standby: cock and ball torture (CBT).

Cock and ball torture is one male kink that many women find amusing. It shows an odd male quirk: the separation of pain and arousal. Many of the things that Mrs. Lion does to me hurt. Covering my balls with clothespins is painful, so is painting my balls with IcyHot. It’s obvious that I’m very uncomfortable, yet I’m hard. She can stimulate me, and I respond despite my discomfort. The velcro around my penis is an excellent example of this. The harder I get, the more it hurts. It doesn’t matter, I get hard anyway.

This is probably hard-wired into us males. If the survival of the species is a prime directive, then nothing should get in the way of procreation. I know for a fact that the more aroused I get, the less aware I become of pain. As long as Mrs. Lion keeps me stimulated, I can focus on the arousal, and the pain moves toward the background. There is a limit to this, but the effect is obvious to both of us. Maybe it’s fun to see this process. I’ve been teased about it by some playmates.

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