Yesterday morning, Lion suggested we play early. Sort of an after work special. I was open to that. I’d been thinking about tying him to the bed for a while. He just hasn’t been interested in doing much. I figured he was horny and looking for love. Tying him up would be a nice surprise.

However, once I got in the room and started getting the restraints ready, he said he wasn’t up for it. He’d had trouble sleeping the night before and he also wanted some anticipation. How can a surprise be anticipated? He’s the one who suggested early play. Shouldn’t that have been part of the anticipation? I didn’t say we had to go straight to bondage. But I thought bondage was part of the foreplay. Sometimes that alone gets him all revved up.

We will try again tonight. The difference is that tonight we’ll start off the festivities with punishment day spanking. I never did spank him for Monday. That doesn’t mean he’ll be getting spanked longer or harder tonight. It’s my fault I didn’t spank him. Tonight will be a five minute spanking. It will probably be a good warmup for restraining him and anything else that happens. Foreplay to the foreplay.

I still don’t believe Lion is broken. He’s had these periods on and off. I call them the doldrums. I haven’t really kept track of how long they tend to last. I just know that he comes out of them eventually and I see no reason this time should be any different. [Lion — It’s near Mrs. Lion’s quitting time. Sadly, I’m still not interested in anything sexual. Maybe I am broken this time.]

Listen to this post.


  1. kudos to Mrs. Lion for trying as hard as she does considering she isn’t interested in sex for her self. My wife also claims to have lost her libido due to lack of hormones. She would probably be thrilled if the same thing finally caught up to me and I stopped thinking about sex and kink all the time. I must admit though that there certainly are times when the mind is interested but the body is not up to it.

    1. Mrs. Lion is wonderful about how much she wants me to be happy. I think she has some fun playing with me as well.

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