Mrs. Lion began dragging out the restraints after work last night. I stopped her because I just didn’t feel interested. How can that be, me, the lover of bondage, not interested? It’s true, I wasn’t. This libido thing may be more serious than I thought. This morning I used my penis pump. I figured that getting the blood going would be a good idea. Even that didn’t produce the sort of erection it normally makes.

I have no idea why this is happening to me. I would love to get aroused and be tied to the bed. The idea of it is appealing, but I’m just not reacting at all. My libido seems to be gone. Something is bothering me and getting me down. I have no idea what it is. As far as I know, everything is good in our lives. We’re sticking to our diets. We love being together all day. I even watched a movie this afternoon (Thursday). So, what’s the problem?

I hope that Mrs. Lion is right and I’m just going through a dry spell. If not, it will be difficult to continue a sex blog. I could share recipes. In the meantime, I don’t expect anything to change. Even if I don’t get aroused thinking about being spanked, I’m pretty sure that won’t deter Mrs. Lion. Nope, that’s just a part of our lives that doesn’t require a boner to keep going.

A long, chaotic time ago, I was briefly prescribed an antidepressant. It suppressed my libido. I absolutely didn’t mind at the time. There were other side effects I minded a lot, so I stopped. My sex drive returned and the reason I needed the happy pills went away. I started taking Ozempic for diabetes about a month ago. The dosage increased last week. I have no obvious side effects, but my disappearing libido seems to coincide with starting the drug. I did a web search on the subject. Some people seem to lose interest in sex at the same time they started the drug. However, there is nothing reported by or to the FDA about that. I may need to stop taking it for a bit to see what happens. I tend to have unusual reactions to drugs that directly affect the brain. Ozempic is definitely in that class.

If it is the cause of my decline, I’ll have to decide whether I should permanently stop taking it. I had been taking another, somewhat similar drug that has the same effect on diabetes. The main reason I switched was that Ozempic is the same drug that provides permanent weight control under a different brand name. Maybe it also suppresses my sex drive while it helps me lose weight and keep it off. What a decision. Do I want to be thin or do I want to be horny?

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  1. I’d go with Horny. lol. This could very well be an unreported side effect. A friend of mine almost died on December. He suffered an unacknowledged side effect. No mention on the box of medicine, but apparently there is a “black book” which contains side effects that aren’t considered important for the public to know. He almost died because of one of these effects…

    1. Author

      I’m sorry to hear about your friend. Black box warnings are considered particularly important and doctors are expected to pay close attention to them. The “patient information” packed with the drug also puts the black box first. Ozempic has a black box about some cancers and interactions with other drugs. Loss of libido is not in their list of side effects, even the ones that are less than 2% of the people studied.

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