I think that a lot of people try to find ways to make their kinks fit into their idea of “normal.” The usual attempt is to suggest that the kink is a better way to live. I’ve read countless attempts to claim that male chastity is the answer to the gigantic divorce rate. Some make similar claims for domestic discipline. The world would be a better place if…

Some kinks have actually graduated into mainstream heterosexual society. Anal sex and male pubic hair removal are two of them. I would be very surprised if male chastity or spanking found their way in too. That isn’t to say that there hasn’t been progress on at least one front.

Spanking is mentioned regularly on network TV shows. In fact, on “I Love Lucy,” a 1950’s sitcom, Ricky spanked Lucy on camera. So far, all of the TV and movie screen time for spanking has been men spanking women. Spanking men is still taboo. In fact, virtually all representations of wives in charge are caricatures of classic bitchy wives. Classic sitcoms represent smart women as subtle manipulators of dumb husbands. Outright, loving female authority is absent.

No one in our real lives knows that Mrs. Lion spanks me and controls my orgasms. I can’t see any particular reason to share that information. I’ve never shared anything about my sex life. Frankly, it’s never come up. The only place I discuss it is on the Internet. I don’t think that Mrs. Lion shares intimate details outside of our blog. If she does, it’s fine with me.

I’ve read discussions about what to do if someone finds out. The speculation is wild about scenarios where that could occur. These discussions seem to be the exclusive territory of men who have just embraced the kink. Those of us who have been doing it for years don’t seem to fret about it. I don’t.

Mrs. Lion has been controlling my orgasms and spanking me for so long that both are just routine parts of our lives. When she wants to spank me, Mrs. Lion takes out the spanking bench and tells me to mount it. That’s it. Nothing more is said. She will often tell me why I’m being spanked. That happens after I’m in position. I know that I have to be naked below the waist. There is no need for any build-up. I assume that it’s no different than what happens in a home where children are routinely spanked. It’s just a fact of life.

Orgasm control is no different. Mrs. Lion will play with my penis, even suck it. I never know if she will let me ejaculate. She doesn’t discuss it with me. She simply goes to work. She listens if I tell her that I’m not going to get very far. I don’t want her to tire herself when my body isn’t going to cooperate. She controls when and if I get any sexual attention.

I never masturbate. She forbade it way back in December 2013. At that time I asked her to lock me in a male chastity device. The idea excited me. She agreed. I spent over three years locked in one 24/7, taken out for teasing and orgasms. I couldn’t masturbate if I wanted to. By the time I was allowed to be a wild lion again, I lost my interest in jerking off. At this point, I’m not sure I could get myself off that way. I’m not allowed to try.

One thing to consider about kinks, socially-accepted, or taboo, is that they are private. I have never discussed my sex life, vanilla or otherwise. I don’t see what the fuss is about people finding out. I don’t know anyone who gives a rat’s ass about what I do in bed.

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