Mrs. Lion told you about the casino trip on Saturday night. We had a good time. Dinner was at the buffet, and I got a farewell piece of roast beef before our diet starts. We both need to lose weight. In the past, we don’t do well if only one of us is dieting. If she wishes, Mrs. Lion has a simple tool to keep me losing weight. It makes sense for her to use it. As far as her weight loss, I have confidence in her ability to manage it without the sort of incentive I face.

Last week I wrote about a suggested plan to improve intimacy (“Orgasm Isn’t The Most Important Part Of Sex“). When I asked her how she felt about my idea, she said that we could do something a little different. She didn’t elaborate. I’m determined to work this out. I don’t think that Mrs. Lion realizes how important her orgasms are to me.

I’m just figuring that out myself. When I gave her regular orgasms, I felt that I was satisfying her, providing her with something husbands are supposed to perform. We both assumed that when Mrs. Lion lost interest in sex, my obligation to give her orgasms would end. Neither of us caught on that her orgasms were very important to me.

It isn’t a dominant/submissive thing. It’s a sexual conversation we lost. It became one-way. I got sex because I want it. Mrs. Lion didn’t because she doesn’t want it. I may have this wrong–Mrs. Lion, correct me. As I understand it, she doesn’t find orgasms unpleasant. She still likes how they feel. She just doesn’t care if she has them. Maybe they’re a waste of time.

If this is the case, maybe she could have some because it would mean a lot to me if I could give them to her. Giving her orgasms is sort of like being spanked. They both make me more interested in sex. Of course, it isn’t the same, but the net effect on my libido is similar. The same is true about the other things we did when we both had sex. I hope we can figure something out.

Listen to this post.


  1. i understand Mrs. not desiring them as that is how i am. However , the enjoyment that i recieve from giving Mistress or Sir an orgasm is very intense for me. Sir worries about mt lack of them and Mistress finds it funny. The important thing id how Mrs. Lion is feeling and if She is happy you should be too

    1. Author

      We are both happy. We are trying to find our way to improve things.

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