What happens if we run out of rules? Mrs. Lion and I have be practicing domestic discipline for years. We started it because I’m very turned on by the idea of being spanked and feeling Mrs. Lion’s control. Those feelings are sexual. When we implemented DD, Mrs. Lion created rules that I was sure to break. We agreed that I shouldn’t intentionally break a rule. The reason for the easy-to-break rules was to give us both a lot of experience with discipline.

It worked too well. The consistent spankings for breaking those rules trained me to change. I didn’t consciously try. I just changed. This was both good news and bad news. We learned that Mrs. Lion’s authority was real and her punishments were effective in changing my behavior. The relatively frequent spankings satisfied my inner need for spanking.

I admit that I was worried that I wouldn’t take the disciplinary spankings seriously. After all, I get aroused thinking about being spanked. In the beginning, Mrs. Lion’s spankings weren’t very painful. They hurt, but not as much as I’ve experienced in a BDSM play session. I encouraged her to turn up the volume and she did. Even with the less painful spankings, my behavior changed. Something inside me understood the difference between punishment and play. Nowadays, punishment is unmistakable. Mrs. Lion is a very effective spanker. The idea of being spanked still turns me on. Getting spanked is something I dread.

We both agree that relatively frequent spankings are important for us. Since Mrs. Lion isn’t finding any real reasons to punish me, she’s giving me five-minute spankings on our punishment days. It’s too early to decide if this is an effective way to keep things top of mind. Maybe we should just be happy that I’m not annoying my lioness and let it go at that. After all, if needed, she can always paddle me.

If the two of us came from a corporal punishment background, I think we could just be happy I don’t need to be punished. The concept of spanking, when needed, would be deeply ingrained, and there would be no danger that we would revert to old patterns. Unfortunately, that’s not us. When I’ve managed to obey my rules for a while, Mrs. Lion stops noticing when I get myself into some trouble. When she has me ride the spanking bench frequently, she is more observant.

What happens when even heightened vigilance fails to turn up infractions? That’s our current situation. Should we just congratulate each other and let DD fade into the past? If we had the right background, that would be fine. We know that I will need correction every now and then. It’s important to me that Mrs. Lion is ready to correct me. She’s inclined to let things slip until she starts reacting by avoiding me and not letting me know what I did to upset her. If she is in DD mode, she lets me know and spanks me. The tension is relieved. That’s what I value most about our disciplinary relationship. I love that I am learning to be a better husband. We agree that DD is helping us both. Keeping it alive and well is our challenge.

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