Lion said he was very hungry even before he came out of his office yesterday. He worked about an hour later than usual. I went off to gather dinner ingredients and start cooking while he took his shower. I didn’t have a chance to spank his freshly showered buns. By the time I had the dishes done, I told him I had enough energy for spanking or sex. Hmmm….which will he choose? He said if I wasn’t feeling well, I should just rest. We were both cold, so we huddled under the blankets. I debated whether we should snuggle. Chances are, whatever I have/had he’d already been exposed to it. I decided to keep my sneezing and germs to myself.

I feel about the same today, although I’m not sneezing. I’ll do another COVID test just to be sure. I’ve turned the wax on and I’m tackling the pantry. We also have to do some gardening. Our football team has the weekend off. I suspect they’re recovering from their loss last weekend. A rival team, the one Lion hates the most, is undefeated so far. That annoys him to no end. As I’m writing this, Lion said we can push off waxing until tomorrow. I don’t have to work so there’s no reason not to. I’ll continue in the pantry, but I only have to worry about the farm (hydroponic, indoor farm) today. That should leave me with enough energy to play with Lion.

Today, I think I’ll get to Lion before he takes his shower. It would be better if he has a chance to wash the menthol rub off his balls. Of course, it may be worse since the heat from the shower could exacerbate the heat from the menthol. I guess he’ll have to time things just right. I wonder if it matters what kind of menthol product I use. We have several. Some are regular strength, and some are maximum strength. I know the maximum strength should burn more, but does the effect last longer? I assume maximum strength Tylenol gets more medicine into your system, but you still take it every four to six hours. Maybe I’ll have to do a Lion balls of fire experiment. I’m sure he won’t like that at all.

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