Mrs. Lion completed her five-day anti-viral routine this morning (Sunday). I still have two-and-a-half days to go. So far neither of us has had more than the symptoms of a very mild cold. I had only one bad day. We are both up and around now. I imagine we will go back to bed soon just because all of our energy isn’t back yet. I’m very happy so far.

We have some farming chores to do today. We have to feed each section every two weeks. Every fourth week, we have to drain and rinse, then refill and feed. It sounds a lot worse than it is. Our Areogardens pump the water out. The hardest part is refilling the bowls. It amounts to about four gallons of water. Feeding is easy. We just add 15 ml. of liquid food to each bowl. So far we have harvested a few salads-worth of lettuce. Tomatoes are starting to come in as well. I love farming!

I’m still not interested in sex. I think about it, but that’s about it. Just as well. We need our rest. Just because we aren’t particularly sick, doesn’t mean that our bodies aren’t fighting off the virus. We are very happy we sold our truck and camper. The buyers wrote to say that they are happy with their purchase.

Maybe when we are better Mrs. Lion will want to play Spankardy and Zapardy again. Even though sex is just for me, we tend to go straight to the main event. The spanking and zapping games offer sexual fun without direct penis activity. There are other activities that Mrs. Lion sometimes likes to do as well. I’m not going to remind her of them.

If you’re new to our blog and you get the idea that I’m topping from the bottom, I’m not. Mrs. Lion listens to my ideas and suggestions and then does exactly what she wants. She tolerates my thoughts but doesn’t necessarily do what I suggest. She has a strong will of her own.

I hope you stay well. This COVID stuff is going on way too long.

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