The plan was to get to the airport with two hours to spare, get through security and relax a little at the gate. Getting to the airport was no problem. However, finding parking was another matter. The garage was packed. Getting through security was no problem. However, getting to the gate within the airport took some time. Walk, walk, walk, take a tram, take another tram, walk some more. I still had plenty of time, but there was no relaxing at the gate.

Lion and the dog are lonely back home. I’m lonely on the plane. I’ll get to spend some time with two of my kids before I head home again. My older son, who can’t make it to my daughter’s graduation, is in school to become a physician’s assistant. My daughter will continue on for a master’s degree to become a counselor. When my body craps out, he’s got me covered. When my mind goes, she’s got me covered.

It will be late when I get home Saturday. I’ll have to get the dog calmed down and then I can snuggle with Lion. I won’t promise to look for the missing piece to the restraint on Sunday, but I am thinking about it. By Monday, I hope to have found it. If not, I think I can find at least one of the old restraints and we can go from there. It may be possible to tie Lion down across the bed, in a position similar to his oral sex position. We’ll have to test it out. His head or feet may dangle off the edge. I should be able to figure something out that will work.

He mentioned his shock collar. I think it’s fully charged. I just have to strap him in and we can play Zapardy. At one point, I was thinking I could have him wear it during the day even if we’re together. I could give him random love zaps from time to time. Bzzzt. I’m thinking about you. Bzzzt. I love you. I don’t think he’d mind if I interrupted him that way.

Listen to this post.


  1. I’m afraid that he won’t be able to think about anything else, but will only wait for the next shock.

    1. It doesn’t work that way for me. The actual shocks are startling and hurt. Unlike other painful stimuli, as soon as the pulse stops, so does the pain. No echoes to remind me of what happened. That’s what makes it so good for dog/lion training. It’s an instant correction with no aftereffects. It lets the brain associate the undesirable behavior with discomfort.

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