One side effect of a full-time kink is that so-called normal stuff seems exotic and odd. It’s one thing if your kink is confined to sessions complete with toys and role play. That sort of thing is always exotic to me. We don’t do that. Orgasm control and domestic discipline are routine. I can’t imagine ejaculating on my own. We are in our eighth year of orgasm control. In that time, not one ejaculation occurred that wasn’t provided by my lioness.

Every so often, when I read comments to posts on various blogs, I get an insight into how the “other half” lives. Guys write about jerking off. They are proud when they hold off for a few days. That’s kinky! Imagine that a guy getting himself off because he decides he wants to ejaculate. Wow!

I realize that most of the planet would think that our disciplinary marriage is odd. It breaks two taboos: The first is that the man is supposed to be in charge in a Western marriage. The second is that Mrs. Lion spanks me as needed. Both are beyond kinky here in the US.

Even couples who spank their spouses do it in an obviously sexual context. All you need to do is read the so-called contracts they write. The spanked partner creates a contract that specifies the conditions under which he or she will be punished. Generally, there is a lot of sex included in the language.

OK, I’m drawn to being spanked because the idea of my lioness spanking me is a turn-on. It’s that attraction to it that got us started. It also encouraged me to help Mrs. Lion get stricter. At some point, domestic discipline became a routine part of our relationship. There is no fanfare, no fancy scolding, and no punishment underwear. Mrs. Lion brings out our spanking bench and tells me to get into position. Without another word, she spanks me. I have no idea what paddles she is using. My job is to remain in position. Period.

When she is done, she tells me to get up. If I bled a little too much, she might rub antiseptic cream on my bottom and spread a towel on the bed. That’s it. She isn’t interested if I was turned on or not. Usually, we don’t discuss it. Sometimes she will take a picture before I get up. Spanking isn’t an event any more than dinner. It’s a normal part of our lives.

I would have never guessed that orgasm control and domestic discipline would become routine. Before we started, they seemed like very hot and exotic kinks. Chastity devices and paddle shopping added to the excitement. I do occasionally buy a new paddle for Mrs. Lion. The first time she uses it, I regret my purchase. The point is that eventually, even the most extreme kink will become routine if consistently practiced. I’m happy that’s what happened to us. So, I think, is Mrs. Lion.

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