Lion was tired yesterday. I tied up his balls, but he said he didn’t think he’d be able to get hard. He’s tired again this morning. I don’t know if he’ll take naps throughout the day, intended or not, to catch up on sleep. If he does, maybe he’ll be ready for action tonight.

I don’t think he’s faking it. He looked tired this morning. It’s not a matter of my putting my foot down and insisting he gets hard. Sometimes, just for the heck of it, I snap my fingers and say, “Up, boy,” to my weenie. It hasn’t worked so far, and I’m fairly certain it never will. I think I have as much chance of his getting hard on command as him flying around the room on command. It ain’t happening.

We’re in this weird lull in which I was in no shape to play, and now he isn’t. Luckily, it doesn’t often happen and generally doesn’t last long. We’ll be back in business by Friday, if not before. Unfortunately, this weekend I have to mow the lawn and the Lion. Both things threaten to aggravate my back, but both things need to be done. I can delay Lionscaping until next week, but the lawn definitely has to be done this weekend. It’s starting to look like a field more than a lawn.

Last night Lion said he still had sore spots on his butt. He’s not amused when I reply, “Good!” It is good. Isn’t that the point? He needs to feel the effects of a spanking a few days after, or he’ll forget why he needs to behave. That’s part of the purpose of “just because” swats. I know he knows this. Maybe he’s just surprised by my being glad he’s still sore. It’s just one more step along the way to becoming 4.0.

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1 Comment

  1. The lawn is an eternal problem. Whether you want it or not, you have to mow. Even a lion can be put off for the next week, but the lawn cannot.

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