As Mrs. Lion wrote in her post yesterday, I got some potentially good news. Even though my company had announced layoffs, apparently I’m not in the current group. The email I received went on to say that I’m still on furlough, however. The only difference between being on furlough and being laid off is that the company is still paying for most of my benefits. In my case, that’s not such a big deal since I have my own medical insurance. Still, it feels good to know they haven’t decided to abandon me yet.

Also, Mrs. Lion wrote that the sore on my penis is not fully healed yet. As far as she is concerned, that means no sexual activity. That’s not as bad as it sounds. She hadn’t gone near me sexually in well over a week. Today is the 21st day since my last orgasm. Between the long wait and lack of attention, I’m not overly interested in sex right now. Actually, there is no pain at this point. The area is still a little hard to the touch. I imagine I am in the last phase of healing. I was looking forward to a blow job for my birthday. Oh well. [Mrs. Lion — I assume no sexual activity because, if it’s sore, I can’t touch it. And I haven’t gone near him sexually because of the sore. If it’s not sore then I have no problem giving him a blow job.]

I do feel a little grumpier than usual. Lack of sexual activity definitely does not improve my disposition. Whether or not I am actively looking for sex, at some deeper level I really need it. Maybe it isn’t a very deep level, after all. I’m not prepared to turn away any opportunities my lioness might present. Did I say before that it doesn’t hurt anymore? [Mrs. Lion — I hear you.]

Mrs. Lion pointed out that I got her my favorite cake when it was her birthday. She said I should get hers since it’s my birthday. She was half kidding. It does make sense. We will be making the trip to our favorite bakery to buy a black forest cake for her, oops, for me. She got my fave, a rum cake for her birthday. Fair enough.

In terms of chastity device wearing, we are in a holding pattern until the new, longer shaft section for my Evotion Orion arrives. I miss wearing it.

Apparently, one of the newer male chastity developments is the Internet controlled male chastity device. One such device, made in China, called the Cellmate, allows someone to lock and unlock the device via cell phone. It has a major problem: the software is easily hacked and someone wearing the device can be trapped in it with no way to get unlocked. The folks at the “Plains Chastity” blog drew our attention to it. This device is made of thick, stainless steel. It would take some serious power tools to cut it off if a hacker permanently locks it. I think a male chastity device is something that doesn’t need to be internet connected. This is one device I don’t want to review.

At this moment my mind is not on male chastity; it’s on a birthday orgasm which this year will be late in coming (See where I went there?). [Mrs. Lion– All right already! I hear you! Good thing you’re so cute. 😉 ]

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