We were both game to try sex last night, but my weenie was still too sore. Bummer. I’m sure Lion was more disappointed, but I’ve missed sucking him too. I didn’t even get as far as trying to suck him last night. He got hard while I was using my hand as long as I stayed away from the sore spot. We’ll try again today.

I have declared this a birthday weekend so he doesn’t feel too bad about not having a birthday orgasm. We still have two more shots at it. And if that doesn’t work out, I can always declare it a birthday week. The celebration doesn’t even have to end there. Lion can have fireworks any day. He does have fireworks most days although it’s mostly sparklers. The Roman candles don’t go off very often. That’s what makes them special. I’m sure he’d like Roman candles every day. Well, when I did that for him, it was too much. He likes the idea of Roman candles every day. Being made to wait for them is what’s special.

I’ve ordered his/my birthday cake. We’ll leave in a little while to pick it up. As Lion said, every time he orders a cake it’s the one he likes no matter whose birthday it is. I find that amusing. Even for my birthday, he orders his cake. He had to ask what kind I like. Duh! Did he really have to ask to know it’s chocolate? Most desserts I order when we go out are chocolate. Death By Chocolate is my favorite ice cream. Chocolate, chocolate, chocolate. I like chocolate covered chocolate with chocolate filling. In other words, he can’t go wrong with chocolate. He loves it too so he really can’t go wrong.

Despite having a sore weenie, Lion is a very lucky boy. He continues to have his culinary tour of New York while the food lasts. He gets a birthday cake. Eventually, he’ll have his birthday orgasm. And, last but not least, he has me! I take very good care of him. And I’m modest too.