Thursday night the 20-day sexual drought ended. Mrs. Lion had no intention of making me wait that long. As you may have read, I was in a slump and just not up for it (See what I did?). On Wednesday, UPS delivered my Autoblow male sex-machine. I’ve been trying various sexual aids over the last several months. My plan is to offer a comparative review.

I took it out of its package on Wednesday afternoon, looked it over, and then plugged it in to make sure it worked. I then put it on a shelf behind my desk in my office where it remained ever since. I wondered if on Thursday night Mrs. Lion might try it with me. I had been getting some seismic warnings all day Thursday. I woke up semi-erect and throughout the day felt little tingles where there had been none for the last nearly three weeks.

Mrs. Lion surprised me on Thursday night with a definitely-not-Autoblow experience. I got the real thing. It felt wonderful. Right up until the very end I wondered if I could make it. I wasn’t worried that Mrs. Lion would take me to the edge and stop. When I go through these slumps, she rarely wants to risk triggering another by edging me. I ended up getting a terrific oral orgasm. That Autoblow has a very high standard to meet.

I was a little surprised by Mrs. Lion’s post yesterday. I got the feeling that I may have been pushing her when I ask to snuggle. For some reason I don’t understand, when it comes to sex, Mrs. Lion seems to identify with Debra, Raymond’s wife in the sitcom, “Everyone Loves Raymond.” I suppose it’s not completely surprising since Mrs. Lion has no real interest in sex and I, as you well know, generally have a very strong interest in it. I just didn’t realize she felt pressured by me.

After dinner last night, I did mention to her that I thought it was a bit odd that she felt pressured by me. After all, we do practice male orgasm denial. She knows that she controls if and when I get a chance to have sex at all. I don’t see how my situation is anything like Raymond’s. She’s never been afraid to say no. She knows that’s our deal. I’ve never gotten angry about her refusing to let me come. I accept her decision with as much equanimity as I can muster at the time. Could it be that the same way familiarity can breed contempt, orgasm denial can start to feel like pressure for sex?

Part of me wants to remind her that if I irritate her, she has my blessing to punish me. Am I missing something? One alternative is for me to avoid any expression of interest in sexual pleasure. I don’t like that idea at all. It seems to me that would be turning orgasm denial into the kind of negative behavior too many couples succumb to.

Mrs. Lion didn’t like that idea either. I think that on some level she identifies with Debra. I’m not sure exactly how I’ve managed to create a situation where she can feel that way. The fact that it came out in her post suggests that maybe she does need to react more strongly if it annoys her when I want to “snuggle”.This situation never came up while I was wearing a chastity device. An invitation to snuggle could never mean anything else unless I also asked her if she would unlock me as well. As a rule, I didn’t. She volunteered to do it as agreed at least once every other day. Maybe when I’m a wild lion, my un-fettered penis is more threatening. Maybe that extra step of having to go to her safe, open it, and get the key to unlock me provides more than physical separation. If it does, that’s probably the best reason yet to keep me permanently in a chastity device.

1 Comment

  1. I’m not allowed to ask for sex. At least verbally. I suppose I can be extra loving and that gets my point across. However whether we do or do not do anything is all up to my Queen. And while usually she has me out of the cage when we’re doing sexy things, sometimes I’m left in it. In some ways those times are especially exciting.

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