worried lionYesterday I hinted that I’d tie Lion’s balls up in an attempt to get him excited enough to get to the edge. I’m not sure if it would have worked because it’s only been a few days since his orgasm, but he said he’s frisky. When I came out of the shower, I took the rope out. Lion was snoozing and I figured the next time he stirred I’d see what we could get started.

Once he was awake he told me I could join him under the covers. I told him he could join me on top of the covers. He said he was cold. I was mindlessly twirling the rope around my fingers. I swear Lion had the rope in his hand at some point. Just before bed, he said he didn’t know I had the rope out. Why hadn’t I told him? He would have come out from under the covers if I told him. Ah, yes. It’s my fault. He said I should be more direct. Okay. [Lion — I never saw the rope.]

lion's balls tied tightI really think I’m burning out. I get home and see all the boxes left to unpack, what’s for dinner, do this, do that, etc. The way I see it is that Lion is home all day. I know he works. I know he goes to PT. I’m not asking for him to unpack things, but can he figure out dinner once in a while? Not necessarily making it, but just suggesting X. And when the dinner question is followed by “I’m starving” because he can’t easily find something for lunch, it’s especially annoying. I feel like I have to solve all the problems of the world. And I know that’s not fair of me. I don’t have to do it all. And I don’t do it all.

This has been a tough year. I’ve had to do a lot more because of Lion’s surgeries, doctor appointments and our move. I know Lion would help if he could. I have to figure out how to not let it get to me so much. Mostly, I need to get back to playing with Lion. We both do better when we play.

Tonight I’m going to take the rope out again. If Lion is cold we’ll turn up the heat. I need his balls tied up. He needs his balls tied up. We’re going to get things back to normal if it kills us.

[Lion — This has been the most difficult year of my life. I’ve never been physically limited the way I am now. Mrs. Lion has been wonderful taking up the slack. It’s true that she’s had to do an extraordinarily large number of things that I would normally do. I’m eternally grateful.]


  1. It has indeed been a difficult year for the two of you. But hopefully there is now a bright light at the end of the tunnel!

    1. Me too! Things are heating up here, so prospects are good.

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