Today is our 14th wedding anniversary. We get each other small gifts and go out to dinner to celebrate. Otherwise we don’t make a big deal about it. The main reason we don’t is that almost every night before we go to sleep we tell each other how lucky we are to have found one another. Since both of us have been married before at least once, we truly appreciate how precious a gift we have.

It’s usual to write about the challenges we faced and how we’ve surmounted them together. I’ve certainly had my health challenges this past year, but truthfully, none of them rose to the point where they would pose any threat to our marriage. I think that’s the entire point. Serious things happen to us. Some of them might cause other couples to stress their relationships. We don’t deal with things like that as anything more than challenges the two of us must face.

I can’t claim that anything we do is unique. I don’t know enough about how other people, or lions for that matter, approach life. All I can say is that it’s never entered my mind that I’d be better off without Mrs. Lion. I can’t imagine not being with her. It’s that simple. Everything else, good and bad, is just stuff we deal with.

I guess the best way to explain it is to look at the way Mrs. Lion compartmentalizes sex. We have a full-fledged disciplinary relationship. If you read our blog you know that over the last few years our Female Led Relationship with Discipline (FLRD) has been growing in both Mrs. Lion’s span of power and her use of physical punishment. Not once has any punishment or other exercise of her power interfered with sex. Yes, there are times when she planned to provide me with teasing or other sexual fun and due to being tired had to postpone it. Not once has she delayed it or canceled it because of my behavior.

The point is that we are very good at understanding how to keep things in their proper places. Our love for one another and our absolute commitment to be together depends on nothing else. At this point, I don’t think either of us would do very well without the other. I’ve had to take business trips and Mrs. Lion has traveled to visit her family. These times of separation, sometimes a week or more, have been very difficult. Speaking for myself, my world just doesn’t feel right when she isn’t close enough to touch.

One of the important reasons we have our FLRD is to assure that Mrs. Lion expresses any anger she feels for me in a prompt and appropriate way. It’s incredibly easy for her to find reasons to hide those feelings away. She knows it’s her job to express them promptly and appropriately. I think this has proven helpful to both of us.

I think that this compartmentalization is also responsible for our success at enforced male chastity and FLRD. These practices are difficult enough on their own. When combined with other things such as being emotionally loaded into a measurement of the value of the relationship, success is very difficult.

I’m lucky that I married a really smart, tough, funny, loving lioness. I may be bigger and stronger, but she knows that she is the boss and has the paddles to back that up. I wouldn’t have it any other way.


  1. Happy Anniversary! Have a wonderful day and give my regards to Mrs. Lion.

    1. Author

      Thank you! Your good wishes mean a lot to us

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