how will it feel if I put a chilli pepper up Lion's ass
I know that ginger root burns when I shove it up Lion’s ass. I wonder how it will feel if I use the chili pepper instead?

Lion watched a few shows that don’t really interest me last night. I know I could have had him pause at any moment, but I wasn’t really in the mood to snuggle. It’s not that I don’t want to do it anymore. It’s just been a weird week. Tonight I’ll make sure we’re closer.

At bedtime, Lion put the cock ring on without my asking. I was considering leaving him wild again, but I know he feels my power more when he wears it. If I can’t be there to hold onto my weenie, then the cage should. He asked if I even notice the cage anymore. The Cherry Keeper is definitely more noticeable than the Jail Bird because it’s white. But unless I happen to be checking out my weenie I don’t really notice it.

Tonight I have a lot of chores to do. I asked Lion if he could make dinner so I’ll have time to do everything else. He said it would be his pleasure. I’m never sure if he feels up to cooking, or anything else for that matter. I know he’s been trying to be more active. Since the deck has been up, he’s been practicing going in and out of the door and down a fairly large step. Maybe he could do laps from the bedroom door, down the deck and into the kitchen door. If the neighbors look through the trees, they might catch a glimpse of naked lion butt.

Maybe we’ll try some ginger again tonight. It depends on how energetic I am after collecting the garbage and recyclables from the house and taking the cans out. I also have to take the hammock apart so I can return it tomorrow. Lots of bending and lifting. My chronic pain just loves bending and lifting. Not. But ginger is a set it and forget it kind of thing. Once I shove it in, I don’t have to do anything until I take it out. And tonight I think I’ll leave it in considerably longer than six minutes.

I wonder if anyone does anything with chili peppers. I know it’s the seeds that have the heat, but the pepper itself does have some heat. I might have to do some research on the subject.

[Lion — Mrs. Lion is hoping you can help her with her research. She is looking for new ways to “warm” my anal area. She would appreciate comments or contacts with advice. Some lionesses!]

1 Comment

  1. Here is something Mrs Lion might want to consider. When my wife uses ginger on me, I’m required to make the plug. I use a vegetable peeler to skin and carve the ginger. I do it over a piece of plastic wrap, catching all the peelings. After my Mrs has had her fun with the root in my ass, she’ll pick up the plastic wrap and tightly form it against my hanging balls. Pressing the shavings all around my scrotum. At first it is almost pleasant. But that soon turns into the hottest fire it can imagine. Try holding it against your Lions balls till he says it is starting to burn, it can take a minute or two. By then there is not turning it off for a good 5-10 minutes. Thanks for your bloging!

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