security blanket
Gene Wilder with his security blanket in “The Producers”.

I received a thought-provoking tweet from HotwifeKitty. She was responding to my post yesterday about why I want to be locked up again in a male chastity device: HotwifeKitty tweeted,

“I have concluded that once accepted it becomes a man’s security blanket.”

That’s an apt insight, at least in my case.

I tweet every time there is a new post here on the Journal. People who follow me see an excerpt of each new post. You can follow me there at @TheCagedLion.

I never considered my male chastity device a security blanket. In fact, as a child I never had one. I think HotwifeKitty’s tweet makes a good point. My cage is, I think, analogous to a woman’s wedding ring. I think that women put much more significance on their wedding rings than men. My wedding ring is a symbol of my lifelong commitment to Mrs. Lion. I believe that women have a stronger connection with theirs.

For one thing, they consider it a sign that warns other men that they are not receptive to advances. How many women ostentatiously wave the back of their left hands when they perceive unwelcome male interest? The ring is often a topic of conversation when women chat with one another. It’s a badge of mating success. Men don’t add this level of significance to their rings.

Maybe a more apt analogy is our dog’s collar. She loves it. When it has to come off for any reason, she is upset and looks very unhappy. It’s obvious that she considers her collar important for her well being and safety. There’s no complex backstory or rationalization about it. She just knows she is happier if she has it on. I feel the same way about my chastity device.

A security blanket is the inseparable companion to a child. It is often a blanket or piece of one, that has been possessed since infancy. Just touching it provides a sense of security and safety. To it’s owner, it represents the sense of comfort remembered from early childhood.

I don’t think my male chastity device is quite the same. It does have a similar effect. Wearing it is concrete evidence of my connection to Mrs. Lion. No matter where I am or what I’m doing, feeling its presence is never far from the surface of my consciousness. It is an unmistakable sign of possession. Mrs. Lion is always with me. Unlike my wedding ring, it’s very difficult to remove. It’s locked in place by my wife. Its presence tells me that she knows I’m hers. More importantly, I know I belong to her.r

None of these thoughts has anything to do with orgasms. It’s true that the chastity device also locks me away from my penis. Sex requires Mrs. Lion to be present and unlock me. I can’t even have an erection without her presence and permission. That is very powerful to me.

The tweet from HotwifeKitty has a subtle message. She makes the point that the device must be accepted before assuming its role as a security blanket. That acceptance requires acknowledgement that I fully surrender to her sexual control. It also means I have no desire to have the device removed except by my keyholder. I have to be beyond the male sexual fantasies about enforced chastity.

Once those fantasies are abandoned, I get a sense of comfort when locked into the device. Mrs. Lion locked me up again on Saturday night. It felt good. I know that I will dislike it at times. It can be inconvenient. I also know that I am glad it’s back. It belongs there. When it comes off, I will miss it.