If you wonder what happened to our list of blogs we read, our hosting company stopped access to that plugin. I’m going to figure out another way to continue listing sites. A little over a year ago we moved from our own server (way too much work to maintain) to a hosting service that does all the work. It costs more, but up until now, has been a pleasure. In the scope of life, it’s a small thing. I just want you to know what happened.

We frequently get comments about the absolute need for a chastity device if we are to be practicing enforced male chastity. I sort of agree, but the fact is that enforced male chastity is about controlling male ejaculation. Whether or not I’m locked into a device, Mrs. Lion has absolute control over my orgasms. I know, I know, if I’m not locked up I could jerk off. Please! If I’m locked up and determined to masturbate, I can pull out of my cage.

The most common argument that if it is a lot of work to pull out, by the time I actually do it, I won’t want to masturbate. Let’s face it, we’re grownups (this blog is for grownups. If you’re a kid, go back to some other site). Grownups can control themselves. If you are prone to going off and rubbing one out, enforced chastity isn’t for you,.

What we do (Mrs. Lion and I, hopefully you too) is consensual. I want her to be in control of my orgasms. Why in the world would I want to cheat?

A lot of my posts this month have been about the gap between fantasies and reality. My reality is great. I love our power exchange. I don’t love every second of it. But I don’t want to give it up.

So, if you are offended that Mrs. Lion hasn’t put my cock back in a cage yet, tough nuggies. We are still practicing enforced male chastity. We’re doing it lioness style.


  1. Author

    Each couple will do it their way. Because of my numerous surgeries this year, I’ve been free for several weeks at a time. But my Queen has always decided when that freedom should end and I must be recaged. I like that she decided that. And I like being in the cage. As you’ve indicated recently, the cage is a constant reminder of “her” control and that is exciting to us. I do believe that extricating myself from the cage might be possible but I think it would be most uncomfortable and then I wouldn’t be able to put it back on without removing the lock. Regardless I’ve never tried—as you say, what would be the point of it??

    1. Author

      By extension, the cage isn’t really necessary. I’m committed to my role and Mrs. Lion’s sexual control. I go back and forth on liking and hating the hardware. Mrs. Lion has her own reasons for locking me or leaving me wild.

  2. Author

    I agree the cage isn’t necessary but it does have psychological implications for me.

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