Regardless of whether or not Lion is in pain after his stent removal, he won’t be getting an orgasm tonight. I know he wants one. I know he thinks he should have one. But neither of those things matter. Do I want him to have one? That’s the determining factor. And the answer is, “No.”

It would be easy for me to give in and make him happy. He’s so horny I’m not even sure I even need to touch him. I could just move my hand in the vicinity and he’d ejaculate. A few days ago we were snuggling and my hand was nowhere near my weenie but when I actually did go to touch it, Lion was already very hard. I’m not complaining. I love it when he’s super hard.

The reason I want him to wait for an orgasm is that we haven’t played in a long time. Since the beginning of March, one of us has been sick or injured. There have been a few limited days where we felt well enough to do anything but it was usually edging or an orgasm. I want to try to get things back to normal before I let him come.

My plan (I know I abolished all talk of planning some time ago but I guess I’m stupid) is to play with Lion through the weekend and give him an orgasm Sunday. I don’t really care if it’s Velcro, clothespins, bondage, the sling, menthol rub, or what. I just want to give Lion the attention he’s been missing. And I want it to be more than “just” edging.

At this point I’m sure Lion would be more than happy with “just” edging and then a nice orgasm. But think of how much happier he’ll be with a few days of actual play with edging and then an even better orgasm. He just emailed me that he realized he hasn’t been spanked in months. Months! I think maybe that brings spanking to the top of the list. (Of course, he said it right after he reminded me of punishment day but I think a play spanking would be welcomed.)

Assuming all goes well with the stent removal, and with all the weirdness lately I’m not sure we can assume that, we’ll begin normalizing tonight. We may start out slow but by Sunday I hope we’ll be well on our way.


  1. Author

    I’ve nominated you to The 3 Day Quote Challenge. Hope you can join in.

    1. Author

      Thank you so much for thinking of us. Unfortunately, due to the our format, we can’t participate.

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