IWe both spend a lot of time writing about Mrs. Lion’s next steps in taming me. Lioness 2.0 has been resident for some time now. But what about me? Should there be a Lion 2.0 as well?

In one respect, growth for me is graceful acceptance of whatever Mrs. Lion chooses to do. Does that mean Lion 2.0 has suppressed his own will? Does he no longer want what he isn’t given? I’m sure that many think that submission is exactly that: limitless obedience with no willfulness.

I’m pretty sure this is not what Mrs. Lion would like to see. But, what is? Should my sexual desires dim so that I only care about coming when she wants me to be turned on? Is Lion 2.0 a sexual puppy? Does that analogy extend to obedience?

You can see where this is going. What will make things better for my lioness? I’ve been thinking about this a lot. A good example is our increased use of the chastity cage. It’s an important symbol of control for Mrs. Lion. She knows that when I’m locked into it, I can’t experience any sexual arousal. The only way I can get hard is when she unlocks me. That’s nothing new. But if the only time I’m allowed out of the cage is when she is directly supervising me, any arousal I express is publicly visible her.

If her weenie is fully visible to her whenever it is wild, that profoundly changes the game for me. Until now, I’ve been allowed to be wild when under the covers or, when she is out of the room. Private erections can happen (and do!).

Stricter use of the cage enhances her sense of control for sure. It also makes it impossible for me to experience private arousal. This is a very different application of the chastity device. I no longer need it to prevent masturbation. This new application assures that any arousal I express is always in full view of the penis’ owner.

I doubt that Mrs. Lion has considered this. I didn’t until now. I think it makes sense. If her weenie is her toy that just happens to be attached to me, then it would be a problem if it were allowed to get hard when she wasn’t able to see it.

I think that Lion 2.0 has to learn his penis isn’t for his pleasure alone. Erections are owned by Mrs. Lion as much as ejaculation.

Implementing this doesn’t require much change. For one thing, no more showers without the cage locked in place. That may mean either Mrs. Lion sometimes showers with me to assure weenie cleaning, or she cleans it separately from my general bathing.

This sounds a little “fetishy” to me. I guess that superficially it is. Actually it’s a fairly profound assumption of additional sexual control. We considered sexual control to cover any ejaculation. Erection, even if promoted by my hand, hasn’t been a big deal. In the world of enforced chastity, erection is the last bastion of male sexual control. In fact, it’s the final line between the penis for utilitarian peeing and the instrument of sexual pleasure .

Lion 2.0 surrenders erections the way 1.0 surrendered masturbation. Will I “learn” to remain flaccid unless stimulated by Mrs. Lion?

It will be a process to get there. Mrs. Lion and I will both have to make some changes. It may not work out. I propose a six month trial for this expanded sexual control. I expect we will both be surprised by what happens.