After my kidney stone removal, the surgeon went to talk with Mrs. Lion. I never saw him. Apparently, he told her no sex until my stent is removed. The stent is a rubber tube that is inserted inside the ureter to protect it while it heals. Removing the stone injured it a bit. I never really understood that she was told no sex. I missed that. But after her post yesterday, I got the point.

It’s not that I’m in a constant state of heat. Much of the day I feel like I need to pee. When I try, it hurts a lot. That’s the stent.  Hopefully, I can get it removed soon. I have enjoyed the edging, but I wonder if the activity hasn’t made the pain peeing worse. In any case, we’re off any sexual activity for a while. Happily, the stent will be removed tomorrow after lunch.

That puts me in an odd position. I’m a sex blogger who can’t have sex. Yes, I am used to being denied, but the denial always comes with a side of teasing. If I write about arousing activities, I’ll get hot. So, I best cool it on that front. I’m just so happy to put all this behind me. These health issues have  disrupted our routines.

Of course, the forced inactivity has given me a chance to reflect on our sexual evolution. My (five years ago) early assumption was that enforced chastity would steadily reduce the frequency of ejaculation. I equated lack of sex with my submission. Interestingly, Mrs. Lion never bought into that concept. Her idea from the first day was that she controlled when I ejaculate. She never felt the need to “train” me to want less sex.

More recently, she seems to like the idea of establishing a rhythm. That doesn’t mean I ejaculate every Saturday. It just means that sexual release will be a natural part of the larger FLRD. That makes sense to me. I expect the sex to be something provided to me because it’s part of my male existence. Progress is most likely going to be in Mrs. Lion gaining confidence exercising wider control and using discipline to accelerate my learning.

That may sound no different than what we’ve been doing. I think it is. It’s shifting FLRD from what we do to who we are.