I spoke too soon. Perhaps I did not escape my cold unscathed. It’s hanging on. I want to go back to sleep. Lion was still all stuffy this morning too. We just want to be under the blankets together. Of course we always want that.

I’m thinking just because I may not feel well enough to do anything, it doesn’t mean we can’t do anything. It depends if Lion feels up to things too. But I think perhaps he can handle a butt plug tonight. Because he’s been sick I will give him the option of postponing the festivities. We can start out with the small Njoy tonight or whenever he feels up to it. Then we can move up to the larger Njoy. He’s been able to handle fairly large dildos in the past so the larger Njoy probably isn’t much of a stretch. Pun intended.

I usually forget that I can shove a butt plug into Lion even on nights I don’t feel up to doing anything else. It still shows him who’s in charge with minimal effort. I wouldn’t do it if I just didn’t feel like playing. That feels like a cop out. I don’t want him to feel that I’m bored with playing but here’s a consolation prize.

On the other hand, I don’t see anything wrong with putting the butt plug in and still playing with him. I know it makes things more difficult for him when he’s plugged. All the clenching he does in anticipation of coming is complicated by the plug. An orgasm doesn’t feel quite as nice. It’s a good thing he likes a little pain with his pleasure.

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