Emergency chastity device key case
New key case added 8/2/2014.

I’m back. Since our return last Monday night, I’ve been under the weather. As a result I haven’t worn a stitch of clothing since returning. I don’t know what I had. Mrs. Lion picked it up too. I didn’t have classic flu or cold symptoms. Yes, I was stuffy, but not terribly. I just couldn’t stay awake. Odd. Anyway, I’m writing from our bed and I am comfortable, so far, sitting up.

It’s funny how we bloggers tend to think about the same things. I’ve been thinking about the chastity device and what it means to me. Others have been writing about how not having an emergency key is hot.

When we started enforced chastity, we had no emergency key. I liked how that felt. But one day I had a doctor’s appointment and I forgot to ask to be unlocked. This particular appointment required me to strip to my undies. Mrs. Lion left work and drove to the doctor’s office with her key. She removed the device in the doctor’s parking lot.

After that incident, she had me carry a key in a pill container with a tamper-evident seal on the lid. I put the container on my key ring. Occasionally, I would think about the key in my pocket. It subtly changed the way I felt about wearing the device.

I felt that I had control over whether or not the device stayed on. Even though Mrs. Lion could discover I had removed the device, it didn’t change how I felt. At the time, I didn’t analyze that subtle shift. But now, I think I understand.

One of the big turn-on’s for me is that I have lost control. I can’t escape. Carrying a key changes can’t to won’t. Yes, I know that with effort I could escape. But somehow that’s different to me.

When I am strapped into the sling, escape would be very difficult, but not impossible. I could, with great effort, release myself. But that sort of effort is impractical since Mrs. Lion is there supervising me.

I once had a partner who didn’t want me to have any chance of escape. She used padlocks on the restraints. I couldn’t release myself no matter how hard I tried. In a way that’s more exciting. As a practical matter, the way Mrs. Lion restrains me is sufficiently inescapable. After all, she has my attention focused on how she is torturing me at the moment and could easily stop any attempt to escape.

A chastity device, on the other hand, is more mental bondage than physical restraint. It does lock my penis away from any sexual contact. However, it doesn’t prevent arousal. It only blocks physically manifesting it.

I think that is the key to why wearing a chastity device is so exciting. My imagination can run full blast. But, the device prevents my penis from reacting appropriately. That’s frustrating! And, there’s the fun.

It has nothing to do with the reality of escape. It has to do with the mental realization that my cock is completely out of my control. I can get as horny as I want, but it isn’t going to do any more than filling its cage more tightly. How hot is that?

At moments like this, my mind never went to fighting to get my cock out of its cage. I also never considered using my emergency key. But I was very aware I had it. Somehow that made me feel that I had a choice. I could unlock it if I really wanted to.

That knowledge defeats the true excitement of bondage. I had the ability to remove the cage the same way that Mrs. Lion could. So, in a very real sense, I wasn’t in true bondage. I think that is why I never asked for an emergency key. Once I had one, some of the fun was gone.

When I am locked up again, I will ask Mrs. Lion to take back that key. That way I will have no control. No key, no excuses. It makes wearing the device more “dangerous”. I have no way to remove it even at the risk of exposure. Now that’s hot.


  1. Author

    We have an emergency key, but it is kept at home in a sealed envelope my Queen has written on. When I’m at work, I have no way out. And that is hot!! lol

  2. Author

    My key holder has both of the keys. I would not even think of removing my cage even if I carried one. I have no way out while away from her. At work I am on job sites with lots of men around. I have to be discreet at times and have to wonder when I’m working if my shirt has rode up and my panties she has me wearing daily are showing. Keeps me thinking for sure. Hot, yes.

    1. Author

      I think my interest in not having an emergency key and being locked in a chastity device are the same: I like the idea of losing control.The potential exposure is also a turn on too.

  3. Author

    1. Perhaps have her hide the key in some location in your vehicle or stitch it into your clothing. So that you do have it with you, but not know where unless she reveals it. Maybe also take a picture of the location so it will be easier to explain where it is.

    2. I have been told that this flu virus tends to affect the upper respirtory more that other strains. Also, pnemonia is running rampant.

    1. Author

      There’s a lot of bad stuff going around. We both had our flu shots; not that means anything. I seem to be slowly getting better. Mrs. Lion is under the weather but not very sick. I hope she doesn’t get worse. This winter is really bad for us all.

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