Hairbrush paddle

Mrs. Lion and I exchanged text messages. She had written a post commenting on my likelihood of getting carried away and disregarding what she was saying. She figures that while on my turf here, I would want to run the show.

She has a point. We had a conversation about the trip:

Mrs. Lion

It’s a nice post. And i brought a hairbrush along too ?


Uh oh. This will be our first chance to do travel discipline. ?

Mrs. Lion



My hair brush is useless for that. Yours is pretty light too.

Mrs. Lion

Is it? The one from the back of the door? [This is the hairbrush-shaped paddle, no bristles just hard wood]


Oh, really?

That one is *very* effective.

Mrs. Lion

I thought so


You are thinking ahead.

Mrs. Lion

I also have some ball tying rope ?


Wow! You are prepared. See too, in my way. KISS

I guess you plan to enforce my rules strictly. I know you’ve been giving me passes. KISS

Mrs. Lion

I’m going to try



Good.  I appreciate the slack you cut me, but I think it is time for 2.0 to come back. ?

Mrs. Lion

I bet that can be arranged


It sounds like you’ve had the same thought.

Mrs. Lion

I just know how excited you get on your own turf and i need to rein you back in sometimes


I know. That thought crossed my mind. I also thought about how difficult it is to do this in a strange place. Not just punishment but on the spot corrections to make me remember my place. That’s tough for me…and you.

Mrs. Lion

Yes. I need to develop “the look”


Yup and then remember when you give the look, the paddle follows when practical. That makes the look work.

Mrs. Lion



I knowI won’t be expecting either

Mrs. Lion

And maybe a well timed “wait till we get home”


Oh yes.

That will surprise me bigtime.

Mrs. Lion

I hope so ?

This represents a real first for us. In fairness, we’ve only been to a resort together once before a little over a year ago. Our disciplinary FLR wasn’t ready for hotel trips. I had been spanked in our camper, but that is more like home.

Generally, even when we travel by camper, Mrs. Lion is distracted by our adventures and is often forgetful when it comes to correcting me. This trip is massively distracting. It may be very hard for Mrs. Lion to follow through. But, she can surprise me when she decides to do something. In this case, she packed her paddle without a word from me. I was totally surprised when she texted me that she did.

It’s entirely possible that a new day has dawned. We’ll find out together.