I arrived last evening and we ate at an amazing restaurant. The view was fantastic. The food was fantastic. The company was fantastic. I’m happy to be with Lion.

This morning we ate a small breakfast and Lion needed to go to work. I sent him off with a light swat on the butt. He promises to be a good boy. We’ll see how that goes. Our evening plans include a place he loves and knows a lot about. Let’s see if he gets pushy.

This is a very short post. I’m off to explore while Lion toils away. He loves what he does so he’s not really working too hard. And then we’ll get to play together tonight.

I should point out that Lion got his happy ending last night since he missed it Saturday night. Actually I’m calling it a happy beginning because he got it the first night I was here. I figure if I gave it to him early in the trip he might be ready again toward the end. See? Thinking ahead again.