table by the sling
This is the table and chair at the foot of our sling. This is where Mrs. Lion keeps frequently used items.

The weekend is here. With any luck, on Sunday between loads of laundry, Mrs. Lion will strap me into the sling and we will play. It’s been a week since the new, big dildo has visited. I know it is sitting on the table at the foot of the sling waiting for its chance. She’s got other options, of course. All will cause some level of discomfort. And, with any luck, she’ll play with my penis too.

I’ll probably be ready. I will have had three days to ripen since my last orgasm. The sling is perfect for anal play. I’m helpless, practically unable to move. I love the way that feels. I’ve had a lifelong love affair with bondage. My childhood dreams were peppered with images of me tied up; to trees, the bed, to a chair.

None of that actually happened until well into adulthood. When it finally happened, I loved it. There I was, naked on my stomach, tied spread eagle to the bed. A spanking followed. I had no idea it hurt so much! but after a few minutes, the pain was replaced by the desire for more. Then I rolled over, got re-tied and was masturbated to orgasm. Of course, I advised advice and comments along the way. All were ignored. I was glad.

So, it’s no surprise that I love the sling. I’m not always crazy about what happens once the restraints are tightened. But that’s the ostensible reason I’m restrained. It provides physical agreement to whatever Mrs. Lion decides to do to me.

One thing we haven’t tried on the sling is the blindfold. It’s true that my position in the sling gives me a seriously limited field of vision. My body blocks seeing what happens between my legs. But still, the blindfold is controlling one more input. Everything she does becomes a surprise. All I can do is feel. That’s a little scary and very exciting.


  1. Author

    Your so lucky

  2. Author

    I’ve always found a blindfold to be such a simple, and yet such a powerful, piece of bondage equipment. Except for the chastity thing, I’ve always presented and played as a top, and a blindfold *always* seems to heighten the experience for the bottom, usually a great deal, while not being scary or claustrophobic like a hood.

    I’m sure you’ll have a great time no matter how much you can see!

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