Lion has a cold. Maybe it’s a manifestation of the flu shot. He has a sore throat, cough and stuffy/runny nose. Sexy, huh? No wonder he hasn’t felt much like playing or being aroused.

I was achy yesterday too. I think it was a mild reaction to the flu shot and the fact that I haven’t been drinking enough water. My mind knows I need to. I just get caught up in other things and I don’t drink the water that is right beside me. It’s literally less than two feet from my left hand at work. Note to self: drink the damn water!

Because of his cold, Lion isn’t sleeping well. Not that he normally sleeps well, but this time there’s a specific reason for it. I’m not sure if he woke me up or I just had to pee at 3 a.m. but we were both awake and Lion announced he was horny. I said, “Really?” He said he wasn’t but what would I have done if he was? I told him I’d be happy if he was but I wasn’t going to do anything about it at 3 a.m.

I like a horny Lion. He’s happy when he’s horny. He’s frustrated, of course, but happy. I think he’s actually happier the more I make him wait. I know he’s hornier the more I play with him, especially if it involves tying him up.

A sick Lion is not a happy Lion. I’ll nurse him back to health with soup and warm blankets. But there won’t be any 3 a.m. booty calls.

1 Comment

  1. Author

    “I think he’s actually happier the more I make him wait.”

    I suspect you are more right than you realise. There’s a brilliant series of essays by someone named Vivian on the subject that I got my wife to read early on. Lion has referred to them too. Tom Allen has them as one of the top links from his website. There really is so much truth in them. All the essays are worth reading and re-reading.

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