In his head cold-induced haze, Lion reminded me last night that today is punishment day. He wasn’t sure if it would count. I would have allowed it. But there was no need since he reminded me again just after midnight. And once more at breakfast. And again in an email. I don’t know if he’s trying to bank reminders for upcoming punishment days or if he’s just being funny. At least he won’t get his butt whomped again.

Lion has been apologizing for making too much noise coughing and for the fact that he’s being a lump in the middle of the bed. He feels bad that he hasn’t been helping. He doesn’t feel well. Of course he’s not going to be able to help. I don’t feel as bad as he does and I’ve conditioned myself to power through. The only times I don’t get up and do things are when just the thought of moving is too much. For some reason, the past two years that seems to happen at the end of December or beginning of January.

Lion says he feels a little better today. He hopes to be able to cook dinner. I’d rather have him rest up and get better than have him do too much. It always seems the second you feel a little better, you try to go back to normal and wipe yourself out again. He’s promised to spend the afternoon in bed getting some much needed rest.

Of course, I could order him to keep his buns in bed as much as possible. No unauthorized movement. And I’d be able to tell since we have a webcam near the front door. I think I’d be able to see him coming out of the bedroom. At the very least I could see him walking to the kitchen. If he isn’t just going for a drink or lunch I could punish him. I’ll have to see how he feels later. I may need to institute that rule.