Lion lasted just over three minutes with an enema yesterday. In fairness, it was a Fleet enema which is supposed to work quickly. Next time we’ll use plain, warm water. He should be able to hold that longer.

While he was taking care of business, I searched for a few paddles I knew were hiding in the spare bedroom. Everything is hiding in there. It’s basically a large closet with a bed under mounds of stuff. I found the paddles I was looking for, plus a few more things. I’d been looking for the smaller nJoy butt plug for about a week. Lion ordered some new butt plugs and I wanted to see if they were bigger than the nJoy. One is bigger, but only by a little bit. The other is much larger.

Since Lion was all cleaned out and I had the nJoy in my hand, I decided he should have some anal play. Sometimes, after a long time away from anal play, he needs some priming before he can take even the smaller nJoy plug. He assured me it would be fine, and it was.

I need to back up a little bit. I noticed last week that Lion’s balls were getting a little fuzzy. I’m not sure when we manscaped last, but I wanted to take care of the fuzziness. I hadn’t really planned on playing at that exact moment. I remembered his furry balls, then I remembered the enema, then I found the nJoy and other paddles. It all just fell into place. As we were playing, Lion said he’d have to change his post. I knew he wrote one but hadn’t read it. Apparently he was lamenting the lack of play. It’s true. We haven’t played in a while. I mean, really played. I pulled out some clothespins about a week ago. Sometimes I slap Lion’s balls while I edge him. I guess those don’t count as actual play.

So, quite by accident, I did what Lion wanted me to do without realizing he wanted me to do it. Which, I think, is a problem. Not that I did what he wanted me to do, but that he didn’t tell me what he wanted. He says he doesn’t want to run things. I get that. But if he wrote a post, wouldn’t I read it and know he wanted play? And if I’m using clothespins and smacking his balls while I edge them, thinking it’s playing, and he doesn’t think it’s playing, that’s a problem too.

Anyway, with the nJoy firmly ensconced in Lion’s nether region, I took a nasty little flogger and whacked his balls. It’s probably too light to do anything to his tush, but I got it because it was a size I could handle. Most of the other floggers we have were made for Lion. And he knows what he’s doing with them. I have an aversion to things that are too flexible. They don’t go where I tell them to go and have a tendency to wrap. This little one is easier to use, but I still choked up a lot on the handle. At certain points, I was even holding it by the tails so I could be sure I was only hitting his balls. It’s more difficult to get any sort of force that way, but I didn’t want to hit vary hard. We are talking about his balls here. They can’t take much of a whomping.

By alternating between edging and smacking, I got Lion very hard. I know he was happy since he was able to come with only a day’s rest since his last orgasm. He has needed a two day rest recently. I’m not sure if it was the butt plug, the flogger, or a combination that got him so excited. I guess we’ll need to play more often. Once I get a clarification of what play is.

In my quest for toys, I also brought the blindfold upstairs from the dungeon. Months ago we talked about it and we each said we’d look for it downstairs. I figured, since I was thinking of it, I’d go get it. Now Lion has another thing to look forward to. Or dread. I’m not sure which.

1 Comment

  1. Author

    Blindfolds add so much to play. And to discipline. Sometimes When I am spanked, my wife blindfolds me. She then uses several implements often moving back and forth between 3-4 of them. I’m just getting used to the paddle when she switches to the horsewhip or the wooden spoon or something else. Each tool brings a whole new sensation and type of pain. The unknowing adds to the punishment.

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