We celebrated Mrs. Lion’s birthday on Saturday. It was great. We went out to dinner and stuffed ourselves. We returned home, watched TV and went to sleep. Now, it’s late Sunday afternoon. We are doing a few chores and ran a couple of short errands. It was a lazy Sunday. Then about 4PM on Sunday, 2.0 stopped by.

I had just finished getting corned beef cooking. We were having corned beef and cabbage for dinner. When I entered the bedroom, I saw an array of toys on the bed. Mrs. Lion had gone mining in our guest room. She unearthed a very mean leather strap and two vicious rubber straps as well. She also found a small flogger made from very stiff pieces of black-dyed rawhide. She reminded me that we got that for ball whipping.

When I asked what she was up to, she said that she wanted to remove all the wimpy spanking implements in her behind-the-bedroom-door toy holder (shoe rack) and replace them with more painful ones. That way, she explained, I wouldn’t be in danger of picking something inappropriate for punishing me. How considerate!

I pointed out that I would never select any of those straps. She said that she understood that. But, she said that she could well select one herself. One benefit of making me pick the tool to punish me is that I can avoid the obviously murderous implements. Even the dark cloud of disciplinary spanking has that silver lining.

Yesterday it was play time. 2.0 found it fun to use that nasty little flogger on my balls. She worked hard to get them a uniform, painful red. She made the extra effort of holding them up so she could minister to the underside too. This took quite a while. She took breaks to play with her penis. Despite the sting and the fact I came only two days ago, her weenie remained hard.

Her swats to my balls stung like hell. I yelped at each stroke. 2.0 didn’t seem to notice. Even now, several hours after the play, my balls still sting. Anyway, when she had achieved the shade of red she wanted, her attention turned to her penis. She edged me several times and then finally let me orgasm.

I was surprised because I was able to get hard and orgasm so close to my last release. I also didn’t expect 2.0 to let me come. Perhaps her experiment with my orgasms is having an effect. The other times she attempted to get me off two days after an orgasm, I didn’t even get hard. This time I was ready to go. It’s either because I needed the BDSM play to start my engine, or because the frequent orgasms are training my body to cycle more rapidly. Or, it could be both.

When I started cooking yesterday afternoon, I was sure that we wouldn’t play at all this weekend. I felt a bit bummed by that. I should know by now that you just can’t predict what a lioness will do next, especially 2.0. She’s proven time and time again that she can bring me to life any time she wants. She also wields a mean, ball-swatting flogger.