There was some talk, fairly recently, about boner pills (so to speak) for women. I don’t know how they work. Presumably they get the creative juices flowing again. Some women were rejoicing. I assume some men were rejoicing too. The women because they miss sex. The men because now there’d be no reason their significant others would turn them down. I’m not sure where they are in the testing phases, but I might have a go at them. It all depends on what the side effects are.

Drug companies show you wonderful pictures of a stroll along the beach and pretty wild flowers while they tell you that this drug may kill you or you may start growing hair from the soles of your feet. Let me distract you with puppies so you won’t hear that the drug will give you severe nausea and your eyeballs will fall out. But you may live three months longer or your psoriasis will go away. For whatever reason, I tend to be prone to the side effects that only happen to one in every 47 million people. Just lucky I guess.

On the other hand, boner pills for men have been on the market for a very long time. They do have side effects, but one of them is an issue that Lion says he wouldn’t mind having – an erection lasting for more than four hours. I know. Priapism is a serious problem. Lion doesn’t really wish it would happen. But he wouldn’t mind the boner to last longer than it does. I always tell him he’ll need to invite more women to the party if it lasts four hours.

Now we come to the discussion Lion and I had the other day. Should he take boner pills? He’s been concerned for a long time about being broken. Sometimes he just doesn’t feel like having sex. Sometimes he can’t sustain an erection. Both strike me as normal. Men don’t always think about sex and they don’t always want sex. Sometimes his mind wanders to something that kills the erection. The other night, I was trying to edge him after a punishment. Not directly after; a few hours after. But still, it seemed like a completely normal thing to have happen. We aren’t having a one night stand. Does it matter if it happens tonight or tomorrow night?

I can see that it could hit the male ego when things don’t go well. What about from my side? Did I do, or not do, something to cause it? Do I not turn him on? Lion doesn’t normally care about lingerie or what I’m wearing, but could that help? I try to be careful not to rush him. Slow and steady usually wins the race. Did I go too slow? Too fast? While I know it’s a normal occurrence, I can’t help helping. I want to do all I can to make Lion happy.

Part of me thinks I should be the one to turn Lion on. Not some pill. If he needs help than I must not be doing my job. Another part thinks as long as the pill gets him where he needs to be, what’s the big deal? Another part thinks these little suckers are expensive and not entirely worth the cost. And another part thinks Lion’s happiness is priceless. The big problem is that I have too many parts.

What do you think about boner pills?


  1. Author

    I’ve taken them. Then I found out I had low testosterone, and treating that solved the problem.

    Even with “boner pills,” he still needs the right stimulus, so it’s not like you won’t be involved in turning him on. However, getting my testosterone problem fixed was way better than using boner pills, so I’d confirm that’s OK first.

  2. Author

    I enjoy taking the boner pills while I’m locked in chastity.
    Extremely interesting conflict! Ray

  3. Author

    “The mind is the most powerful sexual organ.” Common “wisdom”, and it applies here too, but in the other direction. Even with boner pills, pressure to perform (even if entirely self made – and you [Mrs. Lion] might never know) can overcome the most powerful medication. For me, an overt effort to turn me on, with clothing, for example, often makes me feel pressured to *be* turned on, so that my partner will know how attractive she is to me. Anything else feels like I’m being rude. Naturally, getting “into my head” like this kills any natural reaction, which just makes everything worse. Going a bit slower (and sometimes a *moderate* amount of alcohol) sometimes helps.

  4. Author

    For women, a small dose of testosterone gel will boost the sex drive. And for some men testosterone drops to very low levels when they get older and should also think about trying testosterone supplement. And I of course mean that you should check it out with a doctor first and mesaure it with a blood sample and get a real prescription. Worked wonders for me. I’m 43 and use Tostrex gel daily.
    When the levels go up you just get much more intrerested in sex again.

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