A lot of what Mrs. Lion writes is about what I want and don’t want. It’s true she’s writing about things that happen to me. She likes to hear my reactions to what she does. But am I the customer who has to be pleased?

Most recently, she has been writing about my reaction to her decision to give me orgasms every three or four days. I do react with some surprise. Our general pattern is that I come every seven to ten days. The last four orgasms have been at three or four day intervals. I’m not complaining. I enjoy getting a chance to ejaculate. I’m just a bit surprised.

Mrs. Lion has made it clear that my opinion matters. I suppose that’s natural. Since I’m getting the orgasms (and beatings), does that mean I need to be satisfied? It would if I am the intended “customer”. Of course, I’m not. The only person who needs to be pleased is Mrs. Lion.  I ejaculate at her pleasure, not mine. If she decides to make me come every day or two, that is her choice. I’m still in enforced chastity. The decision is absolutely hers, not mine.

I’ve been a somewhat critical customer of Mrs. Lion’s services. That is very silly of me. Do I ask my dog if she likes the grooming I had her get? Absolutely not. Should I review the quality of a punishment Mrs. Lion administers? Well, no. In fact, if the roles were reversed, I would respond to a review that it wasn’t harsh enough by trying again to get it “better”. That would cure complaints quickly.

The fact is that I don’t have to review an orgasm or punishment. It doesn’t matter how I feel about either. I am grateful that Mrs. Lion takes the time and trouble to do anything for me. I have way too many opinions, I think. When will I learn to lie back and enjoy it?


  1. Author

    In a sense, you are the customer who has to be pleased. These are all “services” performed at your request. If they are not making you happy, presumably you both would discontinue engaging in these activities, unless Mrs. Lion has made the activities a condition of being married or exerted some other leverage to compel you to continue despite unhappiness or dissatisfaction. I do not understand to be the case in your marriage, but it is in others. See FLR101.blogspot where the author clearly indicates that adherence to her orgasm control is a condition of remaining married. I also met a woman a few months ago who imposed DD on her husband and made his submission to it a condition of remaining married. Those men are most certainly not the “customer.”

    1. Author

      In the sense you mention, I am indeed the customer (victim). Mrs. Lion hasn’t given me an ultimatum regarding continuing or losing her. We are far too in love for that. However, that doesn’t mean that I can quit if things stop pleasing me. The consequences for that are almost as bad as losing our marriage. We are both sure that if we don’t continue faithfully, our relationship will deteriorate. A threat as dire as divorce is never necessary in our world. The thought that I would disappoint her is enough reason to endure anything.

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