I’m back home where I belong. As Mrs. Lion wrote, I ended up in the airport overnight due to serious airline misconduct. I, along with 125 others were trapped at a gate with no food or water for over 15 hours. I would suggest never flying Alaska Airlines, by the way. I won’t bore you with the details. I’ll just say that over the years I have been on thousands of flights and this is the first time an airline behaved this criminally toward me and my fellow passengers.

Between the time zone change and exhaustion after being up over 36 hours, I am tired. Mrs. Lion let me sleep for a couple of hours yesterday afternoon. That helps a lot. I expect that later today we might make up for lost time. First we need to do some shopping, then maybe time for fun. I’ll have more tomorrow on the fun stuff.

1 Comment

  1. Author

    15 hours?? Very unusual treatment of passengers by an airline!! The key is you are home and safe.

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