This is one of those days that other bloggers would just skip. It’s the second day after my latest orgasm. Normally I am not really interested in sex and a bit depressed. The depression, I think, is hormonal. For the last several days I have been wild (no cage) to allow a small scratch on my penis to heal. It was better last night; so after the daily teasing session, I was locked up again.

While I was wild, even before my orgasm, my general sexual interest level was well under the surface. I wasn’t tempted to touch sexually. Of course, when Mrs. Lion touched me, everything changed. Today, now that I am locked up, I am feeling very horny. It’s like the cage gives my body permission to feel sexual again.

This is new to me. It’s also unexpected. My theory is that I am conditioned to avoid sexual touching and when I am not caged, getting interested in sex may create a temptation I might respond to. In the chastity device, I am safely protected from anyone’s touch, including my own.

When I was uncaged, even in the shower, cleaning down there provided no sexual stirrings or thoughts. This was true even though I had been waiting two weeks. At the time I felt a bit surprised. I half expected to get hard just by soaping up. I didn’t. If Mrs. Lion were in the shower with me, I’m sure I would have gotten hard at her first touch.

I know that most of the interest in enforced chastity is centered around the uncontrollable male need to have sex. Can this need be tamed by being locked into a chastity device and given sexual stimulation without orgasm on a regular basis? I’m far from the only guy who has said that he is much less orgasm-centered after the kind of sexual routine I have experienced for more than two years.

This taming is probably temporary. Hormones and instinct would probably win out if I were permanently unlocked. I don’t think I would masturbate to orgasm though. This is because I realize how seriously Mrs. Lion takes such an action on my part. But I can see the “accidental” shower erection popping up now and then.

Both of us have long felt that the hardware is necessary for us to continue on the very positive path we are following. Neither of us has been able to articulate why this is so. I can be safely left uncaged even after a long (for me) wait. But it doesn’t feel right for me to be uncaged.

I’m tired of the extra trouble peeing requires while caged. That’s the only inconvenience it causes me. It isn’t enough for me to seriously consider taking it off for good. I am still turned on by the power exchange the device enforces. I love the way my lioness pays so much sexual attention to me. I know that is in large part due to enforced chastity. I ask myself if that power exchange would survive permanent removal of the chastity device. I’d like to think that it would, but it would be more difficult. The physical barrier that makes sexual activity impossible is a lot easier to accept than a purely psychological one. At least that seems truein our case. That’s why we agreed the device stays. Period.