Last night we went to the movies. This is a very rare treat for us, especially since I lost my job. Mrs. Lion doesn’t like going out very much, but when we we both really like what we learn about a film, we consider going to see it. About one in five times this happens, we actually go. Last night we saw “The Intern”. We both really liked it and were sorry when it ended. This is one of those theaters where they also serve food and drinks. So we got there about an hour early and treated ourselves to burgers. For us it was most festive. This theater always runs a bunch of short subjects while people come in. One of the shorts was about Will Shortz, the crossword editor of the “New York Times.” It was a very short documentary about a commitment he made in 2013 to play ping pong every day for a year. No matter where in the world he was, he played every day. The film showed him in a bunch of places.
That film hit home with me. A short time after we began enforced chastity, I started this blog. When I started it, I made a commitment to myself to write a post every day; to make this my journal as I surrendered my sexuality. This is the 623rd day in a row I have written a post. I haven’t missed a day since the blog started. I’m proud that I am keeping that promise to myself. I frequently wonder what I will write for the next day, but somehow manage to come up with a post. Mrs. Lion has been posting daily since she started writing here. Together, we’ve managed to produce two posts each and every day. We’ve done it when camping, during power failures, and when crises makes us crazy. Like enforced chastity, it’s become a fixture in our lives; one that gives us a chance to communicate with you and each other. Very frequently I learn about my fate the same time you do. She learns about my feelings and wishes through my posts as well. We both read and discuss every comment we get.
Yesterday, during the afternoon, Mrs. Lion edged me a few times and then gave me an oral orgasm. It was a really big one. Wow, for a guy who thought his interest in sex was over, it was a nuclear release. Mrs. Lion reminded me that I was grumbling my sex drive was gone only two days before. She told me that was silly and that I’m not broken. Once again she was right. Within a few minutes of coming, she handed me the base ring and then locked me up again. My wild days are clearly over.
As she wrote in her post yesterday, I’ve discussed being unlocked with her. I’m aware that many guys who have been practicing enforced charity for quite a while frequently go without the device. I asked Mrs. Lion if she knew why the device is important to us. She didn’t know. I don’t either, but I believe it is important. Maybe it is an unforgettable reminder of our sexual power exchange. More importantly, maybe my sexual helplessness assures that we both will remain mindful that for me to have any sexual pleasure, she must be actively involved. Knowing that forces us to discuss any lapse or potential lapse in our sexual schedule. It doesn’t mean that Mrs. Lion can’t skip one or more days of teasing, but it does mean we will talk about it. Long gone are the days when we avoided the discomfort of discussing our lack of sexual activity. I guess that I worry we could go back to that if the cage came off, even if we continued orgasm control. It may be irrational. The cage may be our sexual totem that brings us continued sexual closeness. That’s probably the case. It has superstitious value as the harbinger of continued sexual activity. The inconveniences of wearing it appease the sexual gods and keep the good times rolling for us. It’s not that I can’t escape; I don’t dare. If I do, those gods will stop smiling on us and sex will disappear. I’m not completely serious about that, but there is a grain of truth to it.