Yesterday, in her post, Mrs. Lion sent the unmistakable message that today I will be teased until I am a “lion puddle” and then allowed an orgasm. As she so aptly pointed out, “Sex is free.” So our current financial distress won’t get in the way. We also have a large collection of toys and enough lube to supply an elephant orgy. So, today promises to be very interesting. I’m looking forward to it. Yesterday I had another job interview. This was the final round for an interesting, well-paid position. I was told that I nailed it by the hiring manager. That is a very good sign. Next week promises to signal the start of a less stressful life for the Lions. Both tomorrow’s orgasm and next week’s likely good news have cheered me up. For the first time in months, I don’t have that sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. Well, it’s not entirely gone, but it has receded quite a bit. Also in her post yesterday, Mrs. Lion committed to increased sexual activity with me. I am hoping this will begin awakening her libido. No pressure, Mrs. Lion! Really.

I’m sure you’ve noticed that Mrs. Lion and I communicate via this blog. You generally learn of her plans for me at the same time I do. When we first started the blog, we would almost always get at least one comment a day telling Mrs. Lion how to manage me. She was giving me too many orgasms, she should make me wear panties, I should do all the housework, etc. We don’t get many of them any more. I’ve also noticed that the chastity forums and blogs aren’t discussing “security” much either. I’m very happy that this is on the decline.

The idea that a chastity device has to be inescapable has probably stopped more men from practicing enforced chastity than anything else. I’ve written a lot about how modern devices that lock to a cock ring are almost by definition possible to escape. To make escape more difficult there are limited options. The most common one is to make the cock and ball ring smaller in diameter. A smaller base ring leaves less room to squeeze a soft penis out. Unfortunately, a smaller base ring will cut circulation to the scrotum, penis and balls as well as being irritating and painful to wear. Another popular idea is to put spikes in the cage that will snag the penis if an attempt is made to pull it out of the cage. Unfortunately, those spikes will also painfully dig into the penis if it starts to get hard. So, the more important inescapable security is, the less likely it will be possible to wear the device for much time.

Enforced chastity doesn’t require a device at all. Surrendering sexual control is all that is required. The device is supposed to prevent “cheating” and provide reassurance to the keyholder he is not ejaculating without permission. Whether or not I am in a device, I will not ejaculate unless Mrs. Lion wants it. I’m married whether or not I wear my wedding ring. I am under her orgasm control whether in a device or not. If you are just starting out with enforced chastity, the most important concept to learn is that it is you, not the chastity device that keeps you from unauthorized orgasms.