Today is our last day away. Tomorrow we begin our five hour journey home. I’m sorry we have to go back. Despite our rocky start on Thursday, our mini vacations are a welcome distraction from our finances.

Yesterday was fairly quiet. I hadn’t slept well the night before so I took a few catnaps throughout the day. We went on a little adventure and found a different campground for future reference. We took the dog for a swim and had dinner outside. Even though we’re camping, we don’t spend a lot of time outside. Generally it’s too hot to spend much time out of our air conditioned luxury.

I continued to make decisions yesterday. I know they seem like tiny decisions, but since I’m not used to making decisions I need to get used to making them. What to eat, when to eat, when to go to bed. I really dislike making all the decisions but if I let even one go by I’m afraid I’ll stop making any. I can’t return to my inertia state.

We didn’t play last night. I was tired. We snuggled while watching TV. It’s always nice to be close to Lion. While snuggling I asked him about his buns. He said they didn’t hurt for very long after I swatted him the night before. I didn’t think they would, but I had hoped he would have some lasting effect of my chomping. Nope. I thought I bit him very hard. I guess I’ll have to improve my technique. Lion hide really is tough.

Tonight we’ll play. I have no real plans for him. I’m fairly certain he’ll be edged, but beyond that I don’t know. Being on vacation doesn’t lend itself to having definite plans. At least I don’t think so. Lion, of course, likes to have plans. Just one more way we’re opposite.


1 Comment

  1. Author

    Keep. It coming! I love it all.

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