The temperatures here were in the mid-to-high nineties all day. The inside of our “camper” remained a cool 72. Nothing like two large AC units in hot weather. We took a little trip today to a picturesque town about twenty miles away. We bought that delicious cinnamon bread I mentioned yesterday. This morning we will have fantastic french toast.

I’ll let you in on  a little secret; I’m writing this post after dinner on Saturday night. That way you’ll have this to read first thing Sunday. We are in the Pacific time zone, so my posts publish at 7 AM. That’s far too early to get up and write. I know Mrs. Lion has some play in mind. I don’t know if it will happen on Saturday or Sunday. We are both pretty tired now, so there is a chance she will put it off. I’m OK either way.

My libido seems to be showing a few signs of life. It certainly is nowhere near where it should be after nearly a week’s wait. So many women think that the male libido is always going full blast and that all a guy needs is a little encouragement to get hard and ready for action. I suppose this was true in my younger years, but now it takes more. I also think that one of the cumulative side effects of enforced chastity is a certain loss of “interest”. This isn’t due to the lack of teasing. I get way more of that than most males. I think it is more subtle. I’m not sure what it’s all about. It could have nothing to do with enforced chastity. It could be life intruding.

I’m hoping we can reverse this situation. As usual, Mrs.Lion is more than willing to help up to the point of giving me all the orgasms I want. We need ideas, I think. It may be that our limited repertoire of D/S and sexual teasing may need refreshing. Maybe I need less certainty; much more doubt about what is next. My extensive D/S experience may be working against me. I really don’t know.

I just may be over thinking this. All I know is that I need help getting my motor started again.