Things seem to move in waves here. Set off by Snake Charmer’s post, Mrs. Lion has been thinking about having me masturbate for her, perhaps even edge myself. This is an odd development in my opinion. One of the first things I used to do that Mrs. Lion expressed dislike for was my masturbation. I didn’t do it excessively, but Mrs. Lion doesn’t like the idea that I can get off without her. I suppose that jerking off while she watches is not excluding her, but it does allow me the ability to give myself an orgasm, something I haven’t been able to do in nearly 500 days. The last time I did this was in front of her just a day or two after my lockup. I can’t say it was all that much fun, but she wanted to see how I pleasured myself.

I can understand her interest in having me play with myself. It saves her the work, though I don’t think that has much to do with her motivation. It is an exercise in control. It makes me actively participate under her control. I’m not sure how I feel about this. It might not work. It isn’t something I ever fantasize about. Apparently the idea has interested Mrs. Lion. That’s excellent. She may have been inspired by Charmer’s post, but I have had absolutely no input. That is a very good sign. I’m not sure Mrs. Lion will try it. The fact she has considered it is progress, I think. To be completely honest about it, I think that jerking off while non-participants watch is a very hot idea. I’m not sure Mrs. Lion falls into the non-participant category. That may be reserved for people who I have never seen naked. I have had occasional fantasies about that.

Based on my sudden horniness Friday night, I think my reduced libido is related to my worries about work. On the other hand, Friday was my fifth waiting day. That is normally the day when my desperation to get off hits its first peak. So, Friday night was part situational and part biology. Mrs. Lion did an amazing job edging me. There is no question that I am fully horny now. This is a dangerous time to suggest activities. I am most likely to agree and support new ideas when I am this crazy to come. After I finally get off, I have a lot of time to regret my adventurous participation.

1 Comment

  1. Author

    Ride the high. Agree to new ideas. I really don’t think that you’ll regret them because it keeps things new and exciting.

    I’m so glad things are looking up on the job front and the horniness level. 🙂

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