Yesterday at dinner Lion made an announcement: “I think I’m horny today.” It’s amazing what a few good job interviews can do. I’m very happy for him. For us. I like when he’s horny. I like when he’s very horny. Lucky for me I can make him wait long enough to get that way.

Since Lion was preoccupied with interviews and being horny, he forgot it was maintenance spanking night. I didn’t. Well, sort of. I remembered while I was writing my post yesterday. And then I remembered at about 9 pm while we were playing. I told Lion he had a new item for his punishment list. He said he always forgets to remind me when we’re together. I guess it’s easier when he has to write an email. When I was done edging him, I then forgot to give him his maintenance swats. Does that mean it all evens out and Lion doesn’t get punished for something I forgot too? Oh, I don’t think so. It doesn’t work that way. He may have missed out on his maintenance swats, but now he’ll get punishment swats Monday. And if he forgets Monday is punishment night because we’re together all day Monday, then he’ll get even more punishment swats.

Lion mentioned that May is masturbation month. He also mentioned that I said I wanted to make him masturbate for me, but I decided against it. The reason I decided against it is that he said he shouldn’t be allowed to do it. I think being allowed to do it and being told to do it are two vastly different things. He’s only done it once for me. Well, that’s not entirely true. He did it once by video before we were living together. But in person he’s only done it once. I did find out recently that he sometimes masturbated in bed while I was sleeping next to him. Some things are better left unknown. At any rate, I like the idea of him masturbating for me. It’s not like he’ll be getting away with anything. He’s not sneaking a quickie. He’ll be right in front of me. I was even thinking of having him edge himself for me. I’m not sure if that would work, but it might be worth a try.

Sounds like there are some interesting times ahead in the Lion’s den.


  1. Author

    That’s exactly how I feel. Snake isn’t getting away with something. I love the idea of him doing it when I tell him to. It isn’t a regular thing for us but for this weekend, I’m definitely enjoying the show. 🙂

    1. Author

      Perfect! I think I would enjoy a show once in a while as well. I love to watch Lion’s face as I edge him or as he has an orgasm. It would be nice to devote all my attention to watching rather than thinking about when to stop. Of course, Lion says I shouldn’t worry about stopping at all.

  2. Author

    It is really cool to just watch reactions. When I am edging Snake, it is all about watching to make sure I don’t go too far. Or making sure I stop to ruin but not to allow him to come. When he is masturbating for me, I can just enjoy watching his responses. And I still have the control of if/when he can come. 🙂

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