Reverse cowgirl sex position
This is reverse cowgirl. In this position, both of us can freely thrust. This is my absolute favorite!

Even though it was only three days since my last orgasm, I was feeling very horny yesterday. Part of the reason was that I spent considerable time thinking about spanking. I had received four punishment swats on Tuesday and then yesterday, Mrs. Lion wrote about marking me. Just thinking about that got me going. It’s no secret I love to hate spanking.

Normally, we hold hands most of the time and last night while we watched football I was touching her and feeling the excitement of being close. After the game, she uncaged me and while telling me that I can’t come, teased me very close to the edge over and over. I think that our series of unintended spoiled orgasms has made Mrs. Lion more careful about pushing me too close to the edge. She got me close enough! I was truly ready to go. When I thought she was done, she surprised me by giving me some oral attention then, without warning climbed on top of me and rode me reverse cowgirl. She was very wet and ready. She asked if I was ready to come. I said, “Yes!” (boy was I ready!) She rode me to an amazing unscheduled orgasm. She dismounted and lay on her back. I was on mine, panting.

Then came the biggest surprise of all. “Clean me up,” she said.

This was completely new. Well, not completely. When we were first dating, at my request she would ride me, but not to my orgasm, just enough to get herself very aroused,  and then she would move back over my face for cleaning and some intense oral orgasms. So, being an eager eater, I moved between her legs and cleaned her until she had two very wonderful orgasms.

If  you’ve been following our lives, you know that Mrs. Lion has had a long dry spell in terms of her libido. Locking me up and teasing me started out as her giving me something I asked her to try. Over the months, she has gotten very good at being a keyholder. She has gained confidence and skill at keeping me constantly horny. Last night as we lay in post-coital bliss, Mrs. Lion confessed that teasing me had gotten her aroused. She hadn’t planned on letting me have an orgasm until my next scheduled date of September 9, but she got turned on playing with me and wanted to ride me. That was followed by a desire to have her own orgasm. So she told me to clean her up.

The fact that she got so aroused is a great sign that her sexual drought may be ending. The fact that she actually told me to please her is a great leap. Mrs. Lion almost never asks for anything for herself. We have talked about this a lot over the years. About two weeks ago, she emailed me that she wanted my finger or tongue that night. That was the first time she told me that she wanted to be pleased. I loved the email (or was it a text?) I was turned on all day. This time she actually told me to do something for her. This is a very big deal for us. I went to sleep a very happy lion.