Lion is a very difficult person to buy presents for. If he wants something he generally buys it. I have to be very creative. Many times I give him things early because he starts shopping for the thing I’ve already bought him. Other times it’s me that just can’t wait to give it to him. For our anniversary I had no idea what to get him. With all of our trips this summer, money is a little tight, but even if I had a million dollars I don’t know that I would have been able to figure out what to get him. Well, that’s not true. If I had a million dollars then there would be a Porsche in the garage for him. At any rate, I got him a sweet card and tried to think of something he would really like.

A few days ago it hit me. Love coupons. Now this may sound stupid and hokey and maybe it is. But now Lion is the proud owner of eight love coupons. Two each for an orgasm of his choice (blow job, hand job, being ridden, etc.), a 24-hour wild period, a scheduled orgasm being moved up one day, and an anything-he-wants-to-do day. Much different from the usual foot rub or breakfast in bed coupons, these are pertinent to his current “predicament”. Sort of a get out of jail free card. Lion liked them so much he said I may have found the perfect present for every occasion. Then he said I should have put an expiration date on them so he couldn’t save them up and use them at the same time. Uh oh.

His birthday and Christmas are coming up fast. Valentine’s day is right after that. Hmm…he could wind up with thirty-two get out of jail free cards. A whole month of Lion essentially in control. I have no reason to believe he would actually save them up. I’m not even sure he’ll ever use them at all. In our common sense caging, if he wants something he can ask for it, I will consider it, and then I will either laugh at him or honor his request. Sometimes I may even laugh at him and honor the request. The coupons are just a guarantee if he chooses to use them.


  1. Author

    You should have one coupon of your own . Request denied . To ensure he has no hidden motive at that particular time. Let’s say you were going to go for dinner and ended up having to get a hotel because you had too much to drink . He would use one to have hotel sex ,he might think twice about that if you had one coupon left

  2. Author

    We discussed your comment and Lion says he probably won’t use the coupons anyway. I said I could always make a rule that says if he’s in the middle of a long wait and he chooses an orgasm coupon I’d restart the clock. He’d have to decide if it was worth it to him to lose any time served just to have an orgasm.

    1. Author

      I am fine with restarting the clock if I use a coupon.At least that way I won’t feel that I am cheating, just restarting the clock after some fun.

  3. Author

    I like the idea of the cards but I think making the cards random and having some forfeit cards such as add a day or something to your own taste. This could be a separate game as it’s not exactly a present. If you get my thinking.

    1. Author

      Lion suggested that I should have my own coupons, but I have the ultimate coupon. I make the rules. I can just randomly add a day to his wait or whatever I want. He said there would be added power if I had him select the coupon. If I get more into punishment this would be good. At this point I’m not sure I would make use of them.

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