Now and then, Mrs. Lion takes my cage off and lets me run wild for a while. She generally does this right after giving me an orgasm since the risk of me taking things into my own hands is lowest then. I do enjoy those times of easy peeing and no adjustments needed. While we were away last weekend I was allowed to be wild for a while. That’s what got me thinking. Would I abstain from getting off if I stayed wild? Would I refrain from masturbating even if Mrs.Lion made me wait until I was desperate? That opened another area of thought. Would the time I spend locked up train me to abstain while wild?

That’s what brought me to thinking about the actual lockup itself. I know that the Jail Bird can be escaped. I don’t know whether or not I could get out. I never tried. So, theoretically at least, I would be a good boy and stay chaste without my cage. But I like to be locked up. That’s the bondage part. Bondage removes, at leas theoretically, the element of choice. Once locked in my cage, I can’t take things into my own hands.

In the BDSM world, there has been a longstanding debate over “inescapable bondage.” Steel cable or chain vs. rope; padlocks vs. clips. In forced male chastity, escape has two meanings: getting your penis out of the device, or reaching orgasm inside the device. If orgasm is withheld long enough, chances are pretty good that most males can get off with a vibrator or some other stimulation. Escapable. I don’t think you can prevent a man or woman from orgasm without active cooperation.

So, if active cooperation is needed, why the lockup? In my case the cage serves a couple of purposes. For one thing, it is a constant reminder that I have surrendered sexual control. For another it reminds Mrs. Lion that I am sexually dependent on her and only she can give me sexual satisfaction. I do love bondage and being locked in my cage is a very real form of restraint that I can see and feel 24/7.

In my case, escape is not going to happen. So the Jail Bird is enough security to guarantee that Mrs. Lion has 100% control of my sexuality. Other males want to feel that they have no choice and so they work to find devices that they can’t defeat. The downside to this approach is that depending on how dedicated they are to escapes, eventually these males will defeat any device they try. In most cases, they eventually find a device that would force them to go to lengths they are unwilling to try to escape.

I think we are all a combination of both the desire to surrender and the need for bondage. I want Mrs. Lion to be in control and for the device to be more than just a symbol of her control. I want it to make it so difficult to defeat that I will simply wait for her to give me relief.  In my case, the Jail Bird fits the bill. I don’t know for sure, but I think Mrs. Lion also needs the cage as a way to help her remain active in our chastity adventure.