spanked husband

Here it is Sunday afternoon, and two punishment days have passed with my bottom pristine. I know that Mrs. Lion didn’t forget her decision to spank me on punishment days. I’m sure she remembers that I interrupted her.   I’m pretty sure that her shoulders are too sore to face spanking me. That makes me feel bad, not because I’m not being spanked, but because she’s hurting. Mrs. Lion doesn’t like to admit she hurts or is sick. I wish she would. I may not be able to help, but I can still sympathize and look for ways to make things easier for her.

There’s another issue: we need to find a new house. Yesterday, we looked at one that was just what we wanted. A big real estate company owns it. It had been on the market for three months. We toured the house and spent about a half hour going through very carefully. I wondered why it remained unrented for so long. Houses in this area rent within days of being listed. It turned out that the house had a tiny backyard. That was probably the issue. The house was perfect for us. I started the application to lease it before we left for home. When we got home, the house was no longer listed. I called the management company and they said the house was rented. Huh? It had been vacant for three months. Suddenly it’s gone at the exact time we applied? I’m going to follow up tomorrow and try to find out what happened.

punishment delayed

It’s been over a week since I interrupted Mrs. Lion. Is the upcoming spanking still going to be punishment for that? In the past, we had an informal rule: if too much time went by before a punishment, it would be forgiven. It’s hard to stay focused on an old offense. However, we both realize that discipline and spanking, in general, are important for us. Maybe we need to cancel that old rule.

It’s been ten days since my last spanking. I know that I’m long overdue for a ride on the spanking bench. It’s been a week since my last orgasm. Maybe it’s time for one of them too.  I ordered a new can of IcyHot Max Strength spray for Mrs. Lion. It arrived today. Perhaps I’ll have a burning bottom and burning balls.

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