We went to the casino last night. We had tickets to see a comedian and Lion likes slot machines, so it was a win-win situation. The casino frequently sends us “rewards,” and this time, we got free money to spend at one of several dining venues. Lion got the sushi he loves, and I got not to eat the sushi I don’t love. Another win-win.

Before Lion lost much of his sight, we could each be at opposite ends of the casino, using text messages to meet up. Now we’re more tethered together, which is sometimes an issue because I don’t like most of the games he likes and if I’m losing, it makes it more difficult to find a winning machine where I can keep an eye on him. He has a tendency to cash out of a machine and get ready to move on whether I’m ready o or not. I don’t know where he thinks he’s going since he needs me to guide him, but he’s ready to go. He did actually walk to a nearby machine last night, but it was very close to the one I was sitting at.

[Lion — I wasn’t necessarily ready to go when I cashed out. I just didn’t want to waste any money on that particular game. I am happy to wait/watch Mrs. Lion win.]

The new paddle arrived the other day. I haven’t tried it yet. I guess I should tonight. He hasn’t been spanked in about a week. I’m sure he thinks he needs to be. In all fairness, he probably does. He’s been annoying me by being short with me. He keeps saying I’m being short with him, but I think I’m just starting to clap back on his being short with me. First, he interrupts, which is a no-no, and then he gets mad when I interrupt right back. I don’t know. Maybe we’re becoming an old, married couple who always snark at each other. The difference is that I can pick up a paddle, and I win by default. Of course, that’s not true, but I can make my feelings known. However, I’m still reluctant to use this power. Maybe snapping back at him is the first step.

Unpacking sort of ground to a halt. Much of my “free” time has been spent getting things set up for Lion. Of course, no matter how much I set up, there’s always more. He has a lot of equipment, and, of course, I didn’t pack things correctly, so the power supplies went in one direction, and the items went in another. Actually, I did pack things together, but they’ve been separated because I was looking for something else, and things got moved. What I should have done is taped the power supply to the item. That’s fine. Lion can handle packing his own stuff for the next move. (Snark)

Today, I’ve gotten back into unpacking. I’ve found a few things Lion has been missing, like equipment. He has a lot of stuff. I have a few goals for unpacking/cleaning up around here. Let’s see if I can accomplish them.

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